Planning pt. 2

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Alex's pov

We were now in another hotel, that we of course stole, even though we have money doesn't mean we can love regular, not yet anyway.
I was splitting the money evenly. We each got $6,250.
Raven was drooling over her stash.
"SHOPPING!" she screamed. Before any of us could object, she said "you need a tux, you need a best man's suit, I need a bridesmaid dress and YOU need a dress!" She yelled. The three of us blinked our eyes while looking at each other.
"Can we do that another day? Please, I don't want to go shopping not any time soon anyway."
"Yeah. Besides me and Max had plans with y'all." Luke said.
"What kind?" Raven asked, she seemed interested, and so was I.
"Why don't talk get ready?" Max asked. We did as asked and went to our rooms.
"Where are tall taking us?" I asked Max as I flopped myself on the bed.
"It's a surprise." He teased.
"Seriously?" I whined. He didn't answer. I let out a puff of air. I scooted into his chest and started to trace little patterns making him moan slightly and my faced formed a grin. I brought myself on top of him and placed my hands under his shirt and on his bare skin-I made my hands cold on purpose and felt him get goosebumps.
"Enough." He growled, Phoenix was here, grabbed my wrists and flipped us around; me on bottom him on top. He started giving kisses on my neck and what he could on my chest, considering I was still wearing a shirt.
'This is getting old!' Zuri complained, well she really said, and my voice seemed to have a change in tone, it was more wanting and craving.
"I agree." Phoenix answered.
'We are we in this?' I asked, hoping max would answer.
'I think they want some time to themselves.' He giggled.
Well I mind as well as go on with the show, besides, Max won't know it's really me, he'll think it's all Zuri.
'My turn.' I told Zuri and attacked Max/Phoenix's mouth, then pulled off his shirt


I showered afterwards of course, then began looking for clothes to wear,
"Are we going some place casual or fancy?" I yelled at Max in the bathroom, who was now in the shower.
"Casual, but formal? I guess is the best way to put it." He answered
I groaned, so frustrating.
I decided on some tan/green khakis with a black shirt with some solid black Nike's.
Max came out and said "whoa, your turning me on....again."
"What? With this?" I teased looking in the mirror, it did look "sexy" in Max terms.
"Yeah!" He voice full of desperation. He pulled me to him and against the wall.
"Oh come on. Didn't we already do this?" I asked.
"Technically we didn't, they did." He answered with his face into my neck.
Thoughts of what "Zuri" but was really me did to him about 15 mins ago played in my mind.
"How about some clothes on skin action?" He suggested.
"Wolves, so never satisfied." I laughed. Even though I didn't say yes or no, Max started to run himself against me and I could feel him against my jeans. I massage his muscle then gave him a kiss, indicating that this was over.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too." I said before we both went to finish getting ready.

We waited in the living room for Raven, she just couldn't get her hair right. Plus she was threatening Luke that if he didn't tell her she was going to do some "stuff" to himself.
"Alex! Please help me!" She whined from inside of the room. I rolled my eyes as the guys laughed, probably so grateful that she didn't call them.
"How does my hair look?" She asked. I stood there quiet.
"It looks bad right?" She asked.
"What do you mean. It's looks the same way that you always have it." I said confused that she was making this big of a deal.
"Uggggghhhhhhhhhh." She groaned in frustration.
"We aren't going anywhere special." I said, hoping it would make her feel better.
"Ugh, I don't know, it's because Luke said we were, or at least he made it seem like it." I let out a laugh.
"Raven. You look pretty the way you always do. You should worry about what he thinks or what others think, Luke likes you for you."
She smiled and hugged me. "Thanks Alex."
"No problem." I said and we hugged before meeting the guys back in the living room.
"Ready ladies?" Max asked.
"Yep." We said. They walked us to the car and max drove to our 'mysterious' surprise place.
We pulled up to a pretty lake, actually we pulled up right at the cliff of the lake.
"Let's go!" Luke yelled, running out of the car and started stripping off his clothes, till he was only in his trunks. Raven followed behind, then Max. I kind of hesitated, like I always do. Looking around, feeling what was around us and who was around, within at least a 5 miles distance.
"Come on. It will be fun. There isn't anyone here. We can relax for awhile." Max persuaded.
"Ugh, okay, fine." I gave in. I undressed and the walked to the edge of the cliff.
"Ready?" Max asked.
"Yep." I smiled. He reached in for a kiss, it was sweet and long, then he pulled me off the cliff with him and next thing I knew, I was screaming and felt the water consume me, literally. I swam up for air and seen the other 3 floating.
"This is awesome!" Raven yelled.
"Do you like it?" Max asked facing me.
"Duh! This is awesome!" I agreed with Raven.
"We knew you guys would like it?" Luke yelled. I swam underneath the water and all the way to the bottom, I examined the little species of fish that were living at the very bottom.
"Hey! Guys! Look!" I yelled and brought the fish up in the air with their own little bubble of water.
"Cool!" Raven said in amazement. They each looked at the different colors of fish that their was, I wondered if these people of Austin know about these fish? We laid on the the price of dirt off the edge and looked down at the water.
"Look a sunset!" Raven exclaimed. "I've never seen one! Not a full one, at least."
Could this scene get any more romantic. Or cliche? Just as the sunset was about to fully end, my bones just started to hurt, like they were expanding, shifting maybe.
"What's wrong?" Luke had asked. Before I knew it, Max had me lifted up off the ground and in his arms.
"Raven, teleport us back to the hotel! She's shifting! She needs to be in a comfortable place!" I heard Max order at the other two. Less than a second, I felt the feel of the bed. I could hear Max shove Raven and Luke from our room and tell them to stay away.
"Max? What's happening?" I stuttered.
"Your shifting. I thought it would happen later but I guess it took less time since your not fully human.
"How. How. How does this work?" I asked trying to keep my body still and my breathing under control.
"Just let it be. Let your body shift, that's the easiest it can get." He said.
Gee. Thanks for the advice. I thought. My bones were aching, really bad, worst than they did when I have my encounter with and after Dr. Frankenstein.
Minutes later, I felt my back bone finally change its shape, then my arms and legs, finally the little things, like head, chest etc. I was now on the floor, even though I was this huge wolf, my breathing wasn't steady. I didn't feel like me, at all, I was still her, just didn't feel like I'm control, then I remember that our inner wolf takes over in wolf form. So this was Zuri. I seen another wolf that was blackish grey. Zuri took a sniff of the air and I could feel her sighing, as if it was prison not being able to shift into a wolf, which it probably must have felt like it. Phoenix/Max came towards us, they rubbed their huge head above ours and growled softly.
'Are you okay?' I heard Phoenix ask through the link.
'Yes, I'm fine. Feels good to be out.' Zuri answered.
'I would say lets go for a run, but I don't know how we would get down without any of the hotel services noticing us.'
'It's okay. I'm just happy to be able to stretch really.' Zuri said.
'That's good.' Phoenix responded, then he laid down next to the bed and motioned for Zuri to lay next to him, which she did of course.
Phoenix placed his head protectively over Zuri and we all 4 fell asleep.

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