New Info. Researched pt.1

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"Hey do you guys want to go to like a bookstore?"
"NERD!" Luke yelled.
"I mean like those ancient stores, the one with all the spells and info on mythical creatures like us, I know for a fact that me and Max will be there."
"That's because y'all have it easy, a werewolf and a witch," Luke gaged.
"Do you honestly think there is gonna be a book about controlling minds, or has wings, or can see the future or lets not mention can turn into a freaking DEMON!" Luke said getting angry.

"It's an ancient bookstore, of course it has that stuff," she responded.
"Besides how do you know there is a bookstore with that type of stuff?"
"She's a witch, what'd you expect," Max laughed," No offense," I finished.

"None taken, I'm proud, I'd rather be a witch over...." She stopped herself when she notice everyone's expression, well I mean Luke's and Max's, I really wasn't offended.
"Should we go now? I mean it's like 2 now, I don't think the book store stays open this late, what do say we go threw your little black hole and explore," Luke said playfully.
Raven glared at him but agreed. We were there in a couple of seconds, maybe not even but who was counting. We were in the middle of this big black space.
"Hey, where's the....." Luke started.
"I got it,"I said lighting my hand on fire as a lantern.
"Thanks," I heard Max smile behind me.
"Is there anyway we can turn on the lights WITHOUT the alarms or cameras going off?" Luke asked. Ugh his stupidity. I gave the three of them an 'are you fucking serious? Hello!'

"Do your magic," Max laughed. I went to the light switch and took off the cover and studied the wires.
"Could you hurry up?" Max said annoyed.
"Keep yours panties up, besides what's more scarier than you?" I teased, then I felt him breathing right on my neck.
"You're right." He said.
I airbended him back to where he SHOULD have been and still be standing at. I gathered as much energy as I could and electrocuted the wires. The lights were on and cameras and alarms off.
"Won't people be able to see us through the windows?" Luke asked. Raven put tables blocking the windows to shut him up. The three of them stood their looking dumb at me.
"Ugh, fine." I said then went upstairs and looked down the shelves, finding, witch, demon, sorcerer, telekonis, angels, dark angels, and finally werewolf. But nothing on control the elements such as air, water, earth or fire. I brought back a whole pile of books to three eager people. As they started scanning the books Max asked,
"You didn't get any books for you?"

"They didn't have anything on "my situation" I responded. I went back to look for what I could.

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