Trying to fix problems

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Max's POV

I didn't know how to fix my most regretful problem and that was keeping me awake. I didn't know whether I should talk to her or buy her a bunch of things. Or maybe even both.
I went into Luke and Raven's room.
"Raven. Raven wake up." I said softly shaking her.
"What." She groaned.
"Can you give me some of your powers just for tonight. You know so I can teleport through black holes and stuff." I begged.
"Why?" She asked still sleeping.
"I think I have another chance with Alex."
"What! you do?" She said sitting up on her bed. She pointed her finger at me and did her magic.
"You better not blow this one up or so help me I will help her kill you." She said strict.
"I won't. I promise."
"You make too many promises. Do you need any cash? You can take whatever is left on the counter there." She said getting back under the blankets as Luke wrapped his arm around her.
"Thanks. but i dont think there are stores that are open for business at this time. I'll see you later."
"Good luck." I teleported through the black portal that I was able to get and went to a store called 'lovers store' In it it had flowers and cards and chocolates. I took roses of every color and wrapped them around in a plastic paper. Then got a blank card with an 'I'm sorry' on it. Then I went deeper into the store and got some chocolates called turtles. And when I went deeper I found a giant stuffed teddy bear and put the little things in a small gift bag. I started thinking of others things i could get her and it dawned on my. Alex went out of her way to give us shelter and money and food. i teleported to a store and started filling up a cart of food and home items. After that i cleaner every cashier there was and teleported back to the cabin into the living room where Alex was asleep. It was almost sunrise and i knew she would wake up any moment now. I quickly found a pen and started writing everything that I thought of her on the gift card.
"Um, Alex?" I said whispering to her after I was done.
"Mmmmmm yeah?" She said stretching.
"Here you go." I handed her all the gifts I got for her.
"Oh wow. Um thanks." She said shocked.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked nervously.
"No, just surprising." She said and put the flowers in a long cup of water and the chocolates in the cabin and put the card on the living room dresser.
"You got groceries?" She questioned.
"Yeah. I finally realized what you did for us, how you made us survive even though we had no clue what so ever. I'm sorry it took me ruining our friendship to figure it out." I said honestly.
"oh okay" she said before heading to the bathroom. I walked to the kitchen and immediately grabbed the sausage to cook, as well as the eggs, biscuits, and pancake mix and put the other stuff up. Alex came moments later.

Alex's POV

I brushed my teeth and started thinking about Max. Did he really go out to but groceries? How did he get the money? Once done I walked up in the kitchen and noticed there were no bags and Max at the stove making eggs with other breakfast food on the counter next to him. I sat down at the table that was there and studied him. I didn't want to get played for a fool again if this was another one of his tricks. He noticed my sight on him and turned around.
"Everything okay?" He asked concerned.
I shrugged before answering "why are you doing this?"
"My inner wolf was yelling at me and kept asking what you did for me this entire time, and at first I couldn't think straight, then realized you saved my ass from Frankenstein more than I can count, before and after we escaped." The last sentence brought up memories of how Frankenstein would taze Max and I would redirect it back to Frankenstein or make it seem like it got out of control. Then so many times they tried to give him poison to see how he reacted, I'd pull the poison and stop it before it reached any place serious. He started making pancakes now and came to sit down next to me. He grabbed my hand and I purposely didnt move it and he looked into my eyes.
"Alex, I want you to look into my brain and see the truth of ho w I feel about you. I think it's the only way you will find out that this really is true. My words don't mean anything to you because of what I put you through, but my heart didnt mean it." I cleared my throat and walked to the begging to be flipped pancake.
"Nows not the time." I said coldly. Minutes later Raven and Luke walked in just as I was putting the big plate on the table. We all munched down and started talking about our memories at the lab. Not every exact one was fun but there were those few ones that were important to us. I guess we all knew we were going to die, we just wanted it to be hard to kill us. We headed outside and jogged to our normal training area. We decided to skip the warm up and just get to the actual fighting. After that we practiced individually working on our skills. Me with my elements, Raven with her demons and stuff. Luke with his demons also. And Max with his super natural strength. We slowly walked back home as the moon crawled into the sky. As we entered the house, I immediately started dinner while Raven and Luke went to go take a shower, I guess to end their last moment together, together. Max sat at the table looking at me.
"You can take a shower and ill keep up with the food if you want." He asked.
"It's cool, I got it." I responded and he went to the bathroom. When they were back the food was ready and it was my turn for a shower. I let the icy cold water hit my body like it was really cleansing me. I didn't want to leave this wonder land of a shower. It seemed like the safest place ever. I didn't know what to think of Max anymore. Deep down I did love him. if only I was sure considering I'm a mutant freak. it was sweet that he was doing this stuff to make up but I've been betrayed by him so many times. I did want to be with him, desperately. we've been through so much that it's hard to stay away. there were so many things that I liked about him, but also so many that I didn't. It was all confusing and complicated.
They were sitting in the living room slowly talking, about whatever they could think of. I ate my dinner but didnt have much of an appetite knowing what was coming for us.
"What ever happens, I just want you guys to know that I love y'all as my family and Im thankful to have y'all with me." Raven said holding a still face.
"Me too. I'm glad that I get to spend my last hours with my family who I really care about and I would do anything for." Luke added. That's when I realized it.
"We are not saying goodbyes! Y'all are acting as if y'all have already given up. We WILL defeat Frankenstein and his army. No matter how many goblins or ice queens he has. Lets show him what we are really made of. He likes seeing us fail. He feeds off of it. We are going to destroy them and end them." I said breathing heavily and determined to do what I had said. They looked at me with shocked eyes then agreed.
"Your right. We need to suck it up and end this once and for all. I'm tired of running scared and getting my ass kick by some freaks who are less freaks than us." Luke said making us laugh.
"Okay so here's the plan....."I started, once everyone understood we went to sleep and was impatiently waiting for the next day.
I woke up to pressure on my arm shaking me awake. It was Max.
"Yeah...."I said still eyes closed while rubbing them.
"I need to tell you something before we fight."
"I told you we are going to defeat them. Whatever it is it can wait." I said turning away from him and trying to go back to sleep.
"If I die tomorrow," that alone shot my eyes wide open and I sat up to face his way. "I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. And hopefully you will find a man that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. He's going to be one lucky guy. Before we go I wanted to tell you that...." He left a suspenseful pause. Although I had a million ideas of what he was going to say, he said the one I didn't think of at all. "I love you." He finished and placed a quick kiss on my forehead. He looked down but I pulled his chin back up.
"What makes you think you are going to die tomorrow?" I said while realeasing my hand.
"I don't know. Maybe because Im a werewolf and isn't as powerful as y'all."
"Come on. You have super strength and speed. That's enough to take down stone guy, goblin, dust fairy and even sparkle face." I said meaning everything and not just trying to cheer him up.
"Thanks. I hope we make it though." He said and headed back towards his room.
"I promise you, I will make sure you make it." He gave me a reassuring smile. And we both went to sleep and waited. Except only I was thinking about forgiveness again.
Max's POV
I couldn't sleep at all. I didn't know what was coming for us tomorrow, well really today. I got out of bed and went to the couch where Alex was.
"Alex." i shook her arm gently. "Alex" i said again getting her awake. "I need to tell you something before we fight."
"I told you we are going to defeat them. Whatever it is it can wait." She said turning back around.
"If I die tomorrow, I just want you to know that I'm sorry for everything that I did to you. And hopefully you will find a man that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. He's going to be one lucky guy. before We go I wanted to tell you that I love you." I finished and put a kiss on her soft forehead. I looked down with guilt for what I've put her through all these years, then I felt her hand pull my chin back up to meet her eye to eye.
"What makes you think you are going to die tomorrow?"
"I don't know. Maybe because Im a werewolf and isn't as powerful as y'all." I responded.
"Come on. You have super strength and speed. That's enough to take down stone guy, goblin, dust fairy and even sparkle face."
"Thanks. I hope we make it though." I said and started walking to my room.
"I promise you, I will make sure you make it." She said with sincerity. I knew she would give up anything for our team. That was her gift, not that Frankenstein created, she was born with it naturally.

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