Somethings up

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Luke's POV

Raven and I were in Sears looking at the clothes as we passed by the baby section.
"Do you want to have kids?" Raven asked.
"Only if they're with you." I said pulling her into a kiss. She started looking threw baby clothes and showed me which ones we would get if we have a girl or boy. Without any warning I got images playing through my mind. It was Alex. With some blonde guy. She was going to leave us again!
"Babe what's wrong?" Raven said coming up to me.
"I just had a vision." I said rubbing my temples.
"Of who?"
"Alex, she's going to leave us again. But she has a reason for it." I explained still unsure.
"Hopefully it's nothing." She said shaking it off.
"Yeah. Hopefully."

Alex's POV

After the food we ordered came we munched on it. We started talking about Disney land and Six Flags and Great Wolf Lodge when someone came up to our table and interrupted us.
"Hello Alex." He said with a smile.
"Who are you?" Max said through clenched teeth holding me in my seat.
"I'm Sam. I've come here for Alex."
"You're not going anywhere with my mate." Max said standing up.
"Security!" A waitress yelled. We were shoved out of the restaurant and into the parking lot.
"Why are you here!" Raven yelled.
"What do you want with my mate!" Max added.
"She's not your mate. She's mine." Sam answered. Everyone looked at me.
"What do you mean?" I asked falling for it.
"I mean that these people are lying to you. They have been your entire life. He's not your mate. I am. This is a whole set up they made." He explained.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"Because Dr. Verras told me. He wants you not them. They mean nothing to you. And they were going to hurt you after it was all over. They are the enemies not us." He said. I thought came to my head as he was saying this.
"Okay let's go." Sam expression was shocked. Like 'really that easy?'
"What!" Raven, Luke and Max yelled.
"Can we go to my place to pick up some clothes?" I asked Sam.
"Of course sweetheart." He said grabbing my head. The name he gave me was like a bullet through my heart and his touch was aching and stingy. I got in his car as we drove to our apartment and the 3 confused brains traveled behind us.
"I'll be quick." I said as we pulled up.
"Yeah yeah. Hurry up." He said not caring. 1st sign. I went upstairs and met 2 eyes crying and 2 eyes confused and another 2 eyes just filling with rage. I got a little suitcase and pack some clothes as well as the card Max gave me before the fight. Raven gave me a hug and said "why are you leaving! What are you doing! What's wrong with you!" I just hugged her and went to Luke.
"I have a plan." I whispered into his ear. He gave me confused and horrified eyes. I headed for Max to give him a hug and kiss and tell him what I planned on doing.
"I don't want a hug from you. I hate you." He said before I even reached for a hug. My eyes felt like they were breaking and melting. He didnt even look me in the eye. I went outside and me and Sam drove to Frankenstein's place.

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