Chapter 60 - Keli

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I can't believe that they are actually going to allow even more delinquents to witness this madness. I'm going to report their ass to child protection services. Somebody needs to be a responsible adult. These aren't my damn kids, so if they don't care - I'm all for it.

I'm glad that Sybil's ass is in attendance. I'm so damn sick of this bitch. She doesn't know how to take a hint. Bitch has been staring me down all night. I have warned her but it's not registering. In the words of Kevin Hart, she gon' learn today.

"Are you calm because you are relaxed or is this more calm before the storm type shit?"

"Does it matter?"

I need to start practicing some of that breathing shit Lani does. It might keep me from knocking her daddy into the next year. I'm not about to entertain his bullshit today.

The door opens while everyone is doing their own thing. Randy's psycho white boy ass strolls in. Wait for it.


There it goes, all that fucking screaming. This mothafucka is not important.

"Come here, Nugget. I missed you."

Of course, he gives her a big ass bear hug and spins here around a few times. She's just eating this shit up. Spoiled ass.

"I don't think Mr. James likes anyone touching his woman."

"Oh, you are talking to me? A minute ago, I didn't know who you were talking to like that."

"Are you five? We don't have time for you to have a tantrum. What do you want to do to this bitch?"

This mothafucka is bi-polar, has DID - multiple personalities, and is fifty percent schizo. I'm gon' have his ass committed.

"Simple, she's going to die. I don't think it needs to be a big ass production. She signs that fucker's papers, answers some questions, and gets a voucher to our lovely sauna downstairs."

"Sounds great."

Calm before the storm. I'm gon' collect that check with grace.

"I see that you guys have been having fun without me."

I don't know why he chose to come sit over here. There are seats all around. Even some by his little nugget.

"Randy, you are weird. We can change places at any point. I need a fucking vacation."

"Keli, I wish it was a vacation. I'm working on something big right now. This is going to give my firm the notoriety that it deserves and needs."

"You have one of the biggest firms in the south and east coast. You already have clients across the country. Why do you need even more ass kissers?"

At least he is a consistent asshole and not just to me.

"Kino, I'm ready to retire. I'm expecting a new grandchild and I'm ready to be a PawPaw. I'm going to be moving here and expanding the firm to multi-state."

I'm moving back to the estate or to my villa in Italy. I can't even give him a proper seal of disapprovement before some guy rolls in a crate that has some holes in it.

"What the fuck is that?"

"Keli, I just saw the shit. How would I know?"

"That big ass brain ain't worth shit."

"Can you two stop bickering enough to pay attention?"

I want to say something smart, but Mother's expression says, try me. Not today.

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