Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse

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(This is the future version of FGoD King Multiverse, as well as taking place way before the Blue Dragon story, where Faker steals the Conduit Soul of Balance from Error404, killing him. Might also be connected to Equilibium!Yukari's what if scenario on Error404 surviving the cycle's end.)


Lord Multiverse
Our King
Error404's Puppet
The True King

Date of birth: February 12, XXXX

Place of Birth: MainFrame Pool

Species: Unknown

Gender: male
Height: 6'7
Eye Color: Black/Magenta

It never thought that it would end this way, with me becoming a Conduit in my own right, even though the soul that I have is created and not being from the Cycle itself. But it does not matter anymore. What matters now, is that I am now needed, far more then ever, more then what even I myself can imagine. As the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, I will ensure the existence of the Multiverse, and not let it be destroyed by anyone, for I will make sure, that the Multiverse is safe from death.-Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse

Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse, is a future version of FGoD King Multiverse, where he is able to become an extremely strong Bio-Conduit in his own right, due to the fact that FGoD Righteous!Error and Error404 were able to use their powers in order to give King Multiverse the power that he need in order to become as strong as he is, making him one of the strongest beings in the Multiverse.


The King Multiverse of the FGoD Alphaverse is the same one as the King Multiverse in the original Alphaverse. When he existed, he was originally a version of Sans called Photonegative Sans, who is simply a Sans that has inverse colors of the original classic Sans. Not much is known about King Multiverse before he became the way he is, but is assumed that his history in his AU is the same as Classic Sans' backstory, having an older brother, and most likely follows the same plot as Undertale itself. But when, one day changed it all, that would forever mold the King of the Multiverse to become the way that he is.

During a time when he was minding his own business, he is then approached by the arrival of a Sans that has black bones, red sockets, the words, error, all over the place, his body glitching, and he has tear-like markings coming down from his face. This is none other then Error Sans, the Forced God of Destruction. Error came to be when he was taken to the Anti-Void, and is subjected to torturous voices from a goddess called Fate. Error, spotting his target, decided to take him as fast as he can, before he can have a chance to escape, and luckily, since he is a god and is far stronger then Photonegative Sans, he is able to effortlessly catch him and take him to Error404, who then brought Photonegative Sans into the MainFrame, and dipped him into one of the MainFrame Pools, with Error404 ripping off one of his fingers and put it into the MainFrame pool, in order to integrate his code into his own creation. His code and very essence became altered and changed into something new, something different. And then, after a very long time, King Multiverse has been created, all by the power of a MainFrame Pool, and gained nigh-unimaginable power, surpassed only by those belonging to Alphatale.

When King Multiverse ascended into the Multiverse, Error404 gave him a series of instruction, and tells him of what to do and what he is able to do, and Error told him of the importance of the balance within the Multiverse. King Multiverse originally thought that he would have fun in doing this, being in control and command of others, but Error and Error404 make it very clear that such a task is not fun, and if it is supposed to be fun, that would have meant that King Multiverse would never have been made. Error404, in control of the MainFrame, manipulates the code of it in order to make the throne for King Multiverse to sit on, and that is when he began to take his own role as the Puppet King of Error404.

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