95: Snuffnut

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"Okay, wings up! Stretch, stretch! Wings down! Good boy!" I smiled and petted Spike's spiked side. "We keep up with these stretches and there won't be a dragon alive that can keep up with you. As a Screaming Death that is."

Spike roared happily and flexed his spines in and out.

"Who's a good boy? Who's my good-"

Suddenly Tuffnut jumped out of the stables screaming.

I shrieked and jumped on Spike, who shot spines and pinned Tuff to the stable walls by his fake wings.

"Tuffnut! What on Thor's green death are you doing?!" I yelled and jumped off the growling Spike.

"Changewing migration, duh." He rolled his eyes. "You mind pulling these spines out? They're kinda impeding on my impeding; if you catch my drift."

"I think I'll let you 'stick' around, if you catch my drift." I seethed and stomped/slithered off with Spike.

* * *

Astrid, Fishlegs, Hiccup and I were chilling in the clubhouse. Fishlegs was fiddling with sore research, Astrid was sharpening her axe and Hiccup and I were leaning against Toothless on the floor. Hiccup had his sketchbook out and was scribbling ideas, which sometimes I stole the pencil and modified them. Eventually, he was getting into the mechanical part, rendering me useless so I attempted to fall asleep on his shoulder.

Keyword, 'attempted'.

Snotlout suddenly stomped in, reeking of garbage and looking fairly pissed off. I'd asked what was wrong but all of us were aware of Tuff's Changewing migration 'traditions', as he liked to put it.

"Do not ask, because I do not want to talk about it." Snotlout huffed. We all looked up at him and then went back to what we were doing. "Huh? Do you have any idea what I've been through? This Changewing migration is going to be the death of me." He continued, obviously not going to not complain.

"Snotlout, if you just leave the Changewings alone, they'll move on in a couple of days and you won't have to worry about them again." Fishlegs explained calmly. "We go through this every year."

"You're agitating them. All that ranting and screaming and stomping around just makes them madder and makes them stay here that much longer." Hiccup added on. I would have backed Snotlout up but he did have the biggest reactions to Tuff's jump-scares.

"Wait. So now it's my fault?" Snotlout scoffed only to scream as Tuffnut jumped off the wall in camouflage.

"I'm a Changewing! Changewing, out!" He roared and leapt out the door.

I poked Hiccup's cheek and pointed to the boat coming in. He got his spyglass out and looked at the ship.

"Guess we better check." I sighed and got on the back of Toothless' saddle, not wanting to walk all the way down to the docks.

We all made our way down and waited as the boat docked.

"Are we expecting visitors today?" Hiccup asked us. We shrugged and Throk jumped out. "Throk. Uh, did we have plans?"

"I am on your shores today to fulfill a mission that is most personal and of the utmost importance." The defender told us and I quickly flipped my engagement necklace out just in case.

"Okay. How can we help?" Hiccup asked.

"You can point me in the direction of the fragrant saviour of this man's very life: Ruffnut Thorston." Throk told us and I internally sighed. "I am here to lift her off her feet."

"Um, do you mean 'sweep her off her feet'?" Hiccup corrected him.

"No. I will lift her from her feet, put her over my shoulder, and return with her to my island, where she will live out her days as my trustworthy wife." He said casually.

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