37: Reign of Fireworms

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"Okay, be very, very quiet," I whispered to Astrid as we stood outside the twins' hut.

We pulled the Changewing skin cloaks over our heads and snuck in the hut while the twins slept. I crept up between their beds a climbed of a rafter above them.

"Ruffnut and Tuffnut Thorston~" I began in my best impression of a godly voice. The twins stirred and started blinking. "It is I, Athena, the goddess of war. Because of your foolish antics in the name of Loki, I descend upon you my wrath as punishment of insulting the gods!"

"Pshh, Yah right!" Ruff laughed, clearly not believing it.

"Yah mysterious voice from above, like you have any power!" Tuff yelled.

"You dare invoke the wrath of Athena?!" I boomed dramatically.

"Bring it, sister!" Tuff yelled and a flower pot suddenly hit the wall beside his head. "Who did that?!"

Astrid started launching all sorts of things around the room, making them seemingly fly around on their own.

"You don't scare us!" Ruffnut yelled while dodging various objects.

"Now I shall release the winds! Whahahahahahaha!" I laughed.

The roof started shaking violently as Spike and Stormfly were outside, jumping on it. Making sawdust fall all around us and suddenly the shutters blasted open.

"I call upon thee, fire!" I yelled and Stormfly blew fire past an open window.

"Water!" I continued and one of the dragons knocked over a bucket of water that came rushing past another window.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" The twins both screamed at the top of their lungs and flew out of their hut at amazement speed on Barf & Belch.

"Woohoo!" I jumped from the rafters and Astrid and I ripped off our cloaks, laughing hysterically "Loki'd!" We yelled and high-fived.

"That was awesome!" I yelled in glee.

"That'll teach them to put fire-ants in our clothes!" Astrid said grinning.

Spike and Stormfly jumped down and started celebrating with us. Celebrating being, jumping around flailing as well as yelling.

"I thought you actually gonna hit Tuff!"

"I thought you were gonna fall from that beam!"

"And their faces!"

"I think Tuff was crying!"

"Umm..." a voice that wasn't one of ours cut in. "Am I interrupting something?" Hiccup asked.

"Only the best prank in the history of the universe!" I said smiling.

"Right... what's with the cloaks?" He continued.

Astrid and I looked at each other then pulled up the hood, and seemingly vanished.

"What the-!" Hiccup gasped.

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