Lucy Bronze x Reader (14)

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(**Been waiting a while to introduce this new character... **)

Lucy was gripping the bridge of her nose between her forefinger and thumb, her eyes closed, jaw twitching. Katie reached across the table to touch her but stopped at YFN shaking her head. "No," she said gently. "Just... give her some time to process."

Katie began looking around for the stalker.

"What are you going to do?" Jordan asked, her eyes also wandering. They all knew they were safe together.

"Well it says they want to see me within 48 hours.. so I'll prepare tonight and go in tomorrow. I'll give them all my information and explain. I have proof of them stalking me and I've done nothing wrong.. it's not like I'm from a threatening country. Australia is part of the Commonwealth so everything should be okay.."

Lucy stood and left, scanning around for the stalkers as she waded through the crowded area, though always keeping YFN in sight.

"What time are you leaving?" YFN asked Jordan.

"Tomorrow morning. I'm giving myself a day for the drive and to settle back in before training starts again. When are you coming?"

YFN looked around to see Lucy talking to someone who looked like a Manager. "I'm not sure.. Luce is here for another week but I think she wants to see her family in Manchester.. so maybe we'll be staying there for a few days and then with you for a few before she leaves?"

"Sounds right, I think Luce wants to get you settled in with me before she goes." Jordan cringed as realised what she'd said and gave a sheepish look to YFN who rolled her eyes. Of course Lucy spoken to Jordan about staying with her in Birmingham. She looked over at Lucy who was heading back to them, her heart melting even more.

"If you're still hanging around with your Visa thing, you should come watch us train," Caitlin said.

"Plus, aren't you a writer?" Katie asked. "They're always lookin' fer writers for sports columns but they can never find good ones. They're always so borin' and invasive so none of the players want ta open up to them. But we all already know you.."

Lucy sat back down as YFN mulled it over. "Sports column?" Lucy asked gruffly.

"Just an idea." Katie shrugged. "It'd be great to do interviews where we know the person and know they aren't going ta just make up a story. We always have to be so careful with the media trainin' and such."

"It's... it's a really good idea. I love it, actually. It would be great if it were across all of the leagues.." Her pinky reached out for Lucy, testing the waters, and Lucy hooked her pinky around it. Their little way of communicating.

"I think they'd want you to cover as much as possible." Caitlin said. "Especially if lots of players know you. I'll send you the details of the company. They just can't find anyone to cover one league let alone all of them. It'll be a lot of work but if you're keen.."

YFN nodded. "I'll be interested but... maybe don't send me anything yet. My Visa... I'm not allowed to work. And tomorrow I guarantee they'll go through my phone and messages with a fine-toothed-comb so if it all goes well then I'll ask them about the possibility of changing to a working visa... and also having to travel across Europe and what those entry requirements are."

"Okay... we may already have chatted to the company..."


"It's okay! It's nothing official, we didn't give them your name, we just told them about you and that you used to write a column and that you're here now and have made a lot of friends with the players.."

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