Lucy Bronze x Reader (30)

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YFN's back hit the wall as she expelled several gasping breaths, the wave of relief flooding over her indicative of just how scared she was. Still, it was a surprise.

Lucy's big green eyes behind her clear framed lenses were filled with worry. She crossed the room in a matter of steps, pulling the shower door open to see her little Australian backed into the corner of the shower with wide eyes, holding her toothbrush up like it would protect her somehow. It would have been comical if it weren't for the fear.

"Little one.."

"L...Luce? What are you-"

She was cut off by Lucy enveloping her, her arms wrapping around her and pulling her head to rest on her favourite place, the little area where Lucy's collarbone met her neck. Vanilla and bitter orange. Lucy was there and everything was okay. Lucy felt her grabbing at her clothes tightly, not wanting to let the footballer go and her heart broke feeling her body shaking.

"I didn't mean to scare you... I didn't think you'd be awake still," she said softly into her hair.

"I thought it was...someone else."

Now Lucy was even more worried. She pulled back just enough to look at her. "Who?"

"S..some photographer from the game in Crawley. He was taking photos and then he followed me here.."

Lucy saw red. She pulled away and began turning when YFN caught her. She looked back at her pleading eyes.

"Please don't leave me."

Just when Lucy thought her heart couldn't break any more. She touched her cheek with her fingertips softly. "I need to make sure you're safe. I'll be a few minutes... stay here please, little one."

Lucy was quick to check around the apartment, and outside. She'd noticed an idling car outside when she'd arrived in her uber, though it was now gone. She came back inside and locked the door as she found YFN exactly where she'd left her.

She leant up against the frame of the shower and looked at the woman who'd been the only thing on her mind for the past week. "It's just us."

She breathed another sigh of relief, still comfortable with her back in the corner and Lucy could sense the thoughts of her dad running through her mind. She tried to distract her.

"Is that my toothbrush?" She asked.

YFN looked down at the little blue toothbrush in her hand, not realising she was still gripping it tightly.

"Yes.. but I wasn't using it.." She explained. "I just missed you."

Lucy shook her head as if it would rid her of the amount of feelings she had for the women in front of her. God, the amount of love she had for her. It was a tingly, vulnerable, excitable feeling. One that always left her feeling simultaneously scared of its power and so happy she knew she'd do anything for her. This was that poetry love.

Lucy took a step forward and gently extracted the toothbrush from her hand and placed it back where it belonged. She returned and stood so close to her girlfriend that their bodies were touching in multiple places, and YFN had to look up to hold eye contact with her.

"We need to talk." YFN whispered a little nervously, though Lucy didn't know whether it was from the impending talk or their proximity.

"Yes, we do. But first.. let me make you a hot chocolate and get you calmed down, okay?"

She phrased it like a question when it wasn't. Without waiting for a reply, she bent down and picked up her little Australian who almost gladly wrapped her legs around Lucy's waist like a koala. She held her tightly as she walked them out to the living area and headed for the couch. YFN's grip around Lucy tightened.

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