Lucy Bronze x Reader (45) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (7)

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YFN was very aware of Jordan's feelings after the bombshell admission the night before. She'd been extra quiet, deep in thought and she couldn't blame her. She'd be doing the exact same.

Lucy was also extra-sensitive to Jordan, however that didn't stop her from wolfing down the equivalent food for a small family.

YFN reached over and wiped some sauce off her chin with her thumb. "Slow down, Luce, the food's not running away."

Lucy was excited to eat, her stomach had been rumbling since that morning as they waited for Jordan to wake.

She nodded a response through a mouthful and knew she was right. It was never good to eat so quickly.

"Are you thinking a late night drive Sunday for your dinner, or will you stay in town?" YFN asked.

"I was just thinking that, actually. I'm thinking staying in London will be best."

"My place is always free..." Lucy suggested.

"Oh, right. Thanks, Lucy. I just don't want to be alone..."

"I agree," YFN jumped in quickly. "So either I can stay or maybe a night with Katie and Caitlin will be a good idea?"

"Oh that'd be brilliant actually. I was also thinking of bringing Blu down."

"Just let Carla know and drive down after training," YFN suggested. "That's stupid she's making you drive all the way back for a few hours of practice."

Jordan scoffed. "Yeah and she probably won't even play me until late anyways." Jordan shook her head and messaged the girls in the group chat. "Anything fun planned for Barca? You'd be racking up those air miles now!"

YFN laughed. "Oh yeah, I'm collecting those points. Um, I think the team will be celebrating after El Clasico..." she looked to Lucy who nodded, unsurprisingly mouth full. "And also it's Ridley's birthday so I was going to show my face there."

"It's Ridley's birthday?!" Lucy asked, surprised.

"Sunday night, yeah."

"Is she doing anything for it?"

"Oh, it's Ridley. She'll have Javier's place absolutely packed to the brim with people. All the bells and whistles and celebrating."

Lucy gave an impressed look and then a shrug. "We can stop by."

"Just for a hello," YFN reassured and kissed her on the cheek.

"I should warn Alexia..."

"To avoid Javier's?"

"Or to go...her choice."

"Isn't she going to be at the El Clasico celebrations?"

"Probably but not for long, she's still injured from the last game so won't be playing. I doubt she'll want to celebrate too long. What time is Ridley's party?"

"Oh her parties are always 24 hours long minimum..." Lucy's eyes widened and Jordan's mouth dropped open. "It's a thing," she shrugged. She was used to it.

"Okay...well Barca celebrations won't be until later that night. Alexia will be coming over to mine to get dressed."


"Yeah...I think she was hoping to talk to you a bit more about Ridley..."

"She is complicated..." YFN admitted.

"And you're the only one who understands her."

"Fair. Okay well I'm covering the Villa, Hammers game so I'm hoping to catch that 7:00pm flight but it'll be close."

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