LB x Reader (59) / AP x Character (29) & JN x LW (14)

354 21 14



"Fuck." Lucy growled. "Fuck. Fuck."

"It's okay. It's just Ona."

Alexia watched her jaw twitch as she drove. "Did you ask her to come?" She repeated.


She saw her hands on the steering wheel turn white with just how hard she was gripping. Alexia knew Lucy. She couldn't console her. She needed to be there in the room with them. With Blau. She needed to physically be there to protect her. She was always that way.

Alexia looked down at the warm pile of grey fur cuddled in her lap and smiled. Chiquito was on his back in a position that should have been impossible for his spine, a single paw over his eyes and the other touching Alexia. Needing to know she was there.

"When did you talk to her?"

"This morning after I realise I... was alone."

Lucy immediately sympathised. She didn't have to look at her to know. She felt it.

"She call me about the national game this week to see if I go."

She ran her fingers through the soft fur of his belly, watching him squirm as he enjoyed it, moving his paw from his eyes and slow blinking up at her.

"Will you?"

Alexia sighed. She'd been trying to avoid all of these thoughts. "I don't know." She replied in Spanish. Lucy knew enough for that.

She nodded. "If there's anything we can do..." She cut herself off.

"I know. Thank you. Today will be fun."

"And there's YFN's birthday this week..."


"This is the whole reason this Lumos event is happening. I called a few girls to come and distract her but it got out of hand. All of the WSL games were played yesterday so everybody has a day off today and came down to mingle and get their content done. It's a lot. But I really just wanted to organise her birthday with people while she was busy."

Alexia gave a small smile at that as Chiquito began playing with her hand, pulling it close to lick and then cuddle to it. Lucy was smart by doing that. Blau would have picked up what she was doing otherwise.

"Why you leave so late?"

"The organising? Because I wasn't supposed to be here. I didn't know what was happening with her and work and Spain and the clubs. And then the accident happened..."

It wasn't an accident, but she didn't want to use the word 'assault', which was more than understandable.

Chiquito grew tired of being on his back and stood, stretching and then stood on his back legs to nuzzle up to her neck. He was a very loving cat, and she knew he must have missed... her.

Alexia loved Chiquito. She allowed herself to be herself with him. Giving him all of the love and kisses and attention. That was the real Alexia, deep down. Too deep to find. Or at least she thought it was.

She looked over and saw that worried, protective, jaw-twitching Lucy had returned.

"Ona won't be a problem. She just want to check on me."

"You don't understand."

"I know her." She replied in Spanish.

"Ona likes me."

"I know.

"She really likes me."

"I know."

"I... I was lonely and let her get close. But we didn't do anything..."

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