Alexia Putellas x Character (34)

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((**Lil one - 1.4k**))


Alexia went still, her whole body frozen. Ridley was there. On her knees. Staring up at Alexia. Those dark eyes troubled, her hair its usual messy and perfect look, and her smell. Fuck. Her lips. Fuck. That scar. Fuck. Ridley.

How did she-? It was an airline. Of course she knew. And she was probably also responsible for their upgrade to first class.

Ridley reached up slowly and pulled Alexia's noise cancelling headphones down and around her neck with a gentleness that seemed to be only for her.

"La Reina.."

"Ridley.." She breathed. Who was she kidding? She was never going to get over her.

They were silent for a few moments, just taking each other in. Alexia unclipped her belt to lean forward, closer to her. The need to touch her and be touched by her was almost too much to bear.

"You left," she whispered, hurt.

"I did."

"You fucking left, Ridley."

Ridley nodded, leaning closer to her also. "I'm sorry, Lee." Her finger tips brushed Alexia's hair from her cheek and just that small touch send shivers down her spine.

"I need to say something, if you'd let me."

Did she deserve that? "Go ahead."

"I ran... I ran, and I'm sorry. You deserve better." Ridley was being vulnerable with her which made Alexia just want to touch her, anywhere, in support. To feel her skin on her own and make sure it was real. That she was real. "Lex... you can't understand how torn I am... how conflicted. Half of me wants you to leave and find happiness elsewhere, away from me, so I don't taint your beautiful soul with my darkened one. The other half begs for you, yearns for you, dreams about you and selfishly wants you close to me, always."

"You always said that you weren't good for me, but I never believed you. I still don't."

Ridley sighed, looking down. "I feel like I'm not good for anybody, and I didn't want to put that burden on you for simply loving me. I went away and couldn't stop my thoughts. I was conflicted. But amongst my confliction, I missed one very important thing. I didn't give you a choice."

She looked up at her, her heart on her sleeve.

"My soul is tainted, Lex. I've done horrible things that I'll regret for the rest of my life. But I also know that I've never felt about anyone, the way I feel about you. You'll always be safe with me, whether it's physically, mentally, financially... I'm still working on the emotionally part. You bring far too much out of me in that regard."

Alexia's lips trembled at the pure, unfiltered emotion in her voice. She was being so brave and speaking so beautifully. So vulnerably.

A flight attendant tapped Ridley's shoulder to say boarding was almost finished and she nodded, telling her she'd only be a few minutes.

"Lex, meeting you broke a spell I've been under for a long time. Meeting you made me realise that maybe I was worthy of love after all. You took up space in my heart before I even knew it, and now, it seems you're there to stay. I feel sorry for the Ridley before you because she didn't realise how much love and happiness she was missing without you. You've changed me forever, and I'll happily spend the rest of my life trying to thank you." She cupped her cheek and stroked it with her thumb. "Regardless of if you want to stay or go..."

Ridley was giving her a choice. And even though she'd never meant to, it was the one and only choice she'd ever denied her.

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