Alexia Putellas x Character (32)

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((**Just a lil one - 2.1k**)


Alexia had agreed to go to the Lumos event knowing in the back of her mind that she'd have Lucy and Blau there and when they'd left for the hospital, that changed her comfortability. She didn't like not knowing people. Didn't like events, or crowds, or having to speak English. Luckily she had Ona, but she was always looking at Alexia when she thought she didn't know; worrying about her. Typical Ona Batlle, ever the empath. She knew it was all from the goodness of her heart, but Alexia didn't want to think about any of that. It would just hurt if she did.

Luckily, Leah spent time chatting to her, which meant Jordan was close by, and both Katie and Caitlin ducked into the conversation with their overly eager Kyra, however she was too shy to talk it seemed. Her wide eyes staring at Alexia while she was talking to the group was actually amusing to her.

She respected Leah a lot as the Captain of England and the way she presented herself to the world and fought for rights she was passionate about. She'd met her a few times before at events, but had never had a conversation so long with her before. The others joined in and it was just like their lunch together when they'd arrived in London several days ago. Slowly, she felt more at ease with them all, but it was always hard for Alexia to open up and be comfortable with people. It would take time.

As they waited for Blau and Lucy to return, Alexia did one more piece of content; a photoshoot that Blau had already arranged. She wasn't going to do anymore without her.

As she posed to the camera, she was aware of a multitude of players watching her, and tried to distract herself. She thought about her shock at the sound of the wall cracking behind Mark. At how she was about to jump in... but Blau was too quick to resolve the situation. A real problem solver, that one.


Alexia hadn't been shocked by what Lucy did. In fact, if it were Alexia's partner, she would have shoved even harder, though she wouldn't have had the remorse Lucy did.


And it was evident immediately. She made a note to talk to her about it later. To tell her she did nothing wrong.


And then she wondered on Ona and how Alexia had offered for her to stay in the apartment tonight. It was almost grudgingly, as she wanted her space, though knew it was for the best to have someone else around.


And then she wondered on her knee. The rehab she still needed. The pain in it. The way Ridley had picked her up and carried her to the apartment, icing and massaging her kne-


Alexia, stop. She told herself. You are better than this.

She thought on the Spanish National team and Barca and when she could play next. It wouldn't be until the new year, but she relished the idea of being back on the field. There was nothing like it. And although she wasn't ready for a full training session yet, she was still expected to lead the way and provide a good example for the girls by showing her support. She took her captaincy seriously. Player's mindsets were one of the most important things, and not enough people understood that.


Alexia was the type of captain to make sure she knew how all of her teammates felt, because it affected everything. The team, how they play, their motivation. The was one of the greatest things about having Lucy at Barca. Her mindset. Everybody was in awe of it. Alexia had passion and motivation too, built from her love of the game and her dad.

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