001: ɪᴛ ᴡᴀꜱ ᴛᴏʟᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇʟɪᴇᴠᴇ

859 15 11

Only things already in the show, altered a tiny bit


Sami really didn't want to to do it.

He hardly knew the people in the mall, or the girls he'd been travelling with. Yet here he was, standing in an alleyway, behind a fence, crowbar in hand, about to save a random man he didn't know.

"He's in the tank." The voice of one of the guys in the mall said through a walkie on Sami's hip. "You'll have to run-"

"He can't understand English, you idiot!" The voice of Sophie yelled from the same device.

"Oh. Yeah. Sorry, man."

She was right. Honestly, Sami was surprised her best friend, Taylor, had managed to tell him that they wanted him to save this guy. She'd explained it through drawings. She was really bad at drawing.

The top of the tank opened, and a cop climbed out, Muertos surrounding him, through the only one close enough to hurt was hit in the head with a shovel, before the cop ran down onto the road, which was covered in more Muertos, but he weaved through them.

Or, that was the plan. really he jumped off the tank and fell over, yelling, calling the attention of more dead ones, who turned to him, but he ran towards the alley Sami was down.

He stepped out, hitting several muertos in the head and having them down by the time to cop was on his feet.

The cop was near him not long after, shooting with a way too loud gun, and stopping beside Sami.

"You Sami?" He questioned.

"Uh . . . yes." 

He nodded, and Sami grabbed his arm, pulling him into the alleyway, before letting go and running to a ladder, climbing up it as the cop and the muertos followed.

But the cop kept shooting, which was making his head hurt.

The muertos couldn't follow, as they couldn't climb ladders, and grouped up blow them, growling and reaching for them.

Finally, they got to the walkway above, the cop panting as he stopped beside him. Sami felt fine. Americans were very unfit. So, Sami crossed his arms, leaning against the rail as he felt his chest tighten. 

He reached into his pocket, pulling out an inhaler. He reminded himself he wasn't unfit, just had stupid lungs.

The cop said something, looking at him as he, too, leaned on the rails, panting, eyes squinted as he looked at him. 

"Rick. Thanks." He held out his hand

He shook it. "Sami."

He glanced down, seeing some of the muertos below managing to climb.

"Come." He muttered, climbing up the rest of the ladder to the roof, Rick following. They made their way along the rooftops, back the way Sami had came. Rick still seemed a little put-out by the running.

"Back at the tank, why'd you stick your neck out for me?"

He heard Rick talk, and knew a few of the words, but didn't know what he had said. So, just kept running, lifting open the hatch into the offices, climbing down the ladder inside. Rick followed, closing the hatch after himself.

They were now in old, messy, abandoned offices, which Sami continued to run through, a confused Rick running after him. Then, got to the stairs that lead down to street level outside.

He picked up the walkie. "Sophie. Sophie?"

"You're alive!" Her voice came through the walkie. "I'm by the door."

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