CHAPTER 6: Celebrities.

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Lily yelped as she fell down,bruising her knee.The masked stranger turned to her,and started advancing towards her while she crawled backward,in fear.

"No please,what did you want from me ...." She muttered.Her back met the wall and more dear gripped her knowing fully well she had nowhere to run to.

She might be all talks but definitely don't have any fighting skill.

The guy got to her and crouched in front of her. He stretched his hand towards her face and she shook her head,withdrawing her head back.

His hand almost touched her face when someone suddenly kicked him hard and he went flying.

Lily gasped loudly.

She looked at the person who pushed him off and and she was surprised to see the jerk of a neighbour.

"Mr Radio pole...." She mumbled still watching the scene.

The masked guy groaned standing up. He glared at Ricky for a while before tooking to his heels.

Ricky watched him till he was gone then he looked down at Lily who was still sitting on the floor. He rolled his eyes and walked back to picked his shopping bag.

He was actually on his way back from a supermarket where he went to purchase some foodstuffs.

"Hey... Wait... Ouch! Ouch! Aaah! " Lily winced struggling to stand up. Her knee was bleeding but she could take that pain but she couldn't afford to walk back home alone.

"That good for nothing of a guy! Is he really gonna leave me here?" She scoffed seeing Ricky already walking away.

What if the masked guy comes back?

"Hey, wait for me,how come he's so fast" She said but Ricky didn't stop. She immediately got up and limped after him.

"Gotcha!" She smiled when she caught up with him.

"Where are you coming from?" Lily asked but Ricky didn't reply.

"C'mon Pole... Considering the fact that you're Moonies we should be friends,yunno!" She said and Ricky almost scoffed.

"Stop calling me that,I've a name okay" He said.

"Then tell me what is it? Does your name not suit your face or something...

"You talk too much" Ricky scoffed.

"I know right,I mean I get that a lot... To me it's like a complement" She giggled.

"So who's your bais? Mine is Ricky. My love and future hubby,Gosh! I think I'm going crazy just by mentioning his name" She gushed and Ricky looked at her.

"Really? Future hubby?" He asked.

Lily nodded with a smile.

"Of course. I believe we'll get married someday,I'm never getting married if not him" She said and Ricky couldn't believe his ears.

Seriously? Is she saying all this to him?

"Do you like him that much" His eyes fell on her knee which was still bleeding but he didn't say anything.

"More than like,I'm in love with him. You don't believe me right? Just watch, it will be possible. All I need to do is set my plans together. Go to his concert and kidnap him,simple!" She said.

That minute,he confirmed she was really crazy. No one need to tell him.

"I just love him so much. I've never stan anyone the way I do for him. It's like he cast a spell on me. You call call it obsession,but I've loved him since their debut."  She said.

"What do you like about him?" Ricky found himself asking.

"I mean,what's there not to love about him. He's handsome with his cute mask and his deep voice. It sends chill down my spines... Gawd, I just can't imagine what I'll do the day I get to speak with him face to face. OMG..." She fantasized.

Ricky just listened,if only she knew she was talking to him right now and if only she could just shut up for a while,even if she's talking about him. He hate noise alot!

"It's really hard to see a guy who's a fan. Since when have you been a fan?" She asked and Ricky looked at her.

"It just happen" He replied after a short silence and Lily grinned.

"Cool" She mouthed.

"Yunno,at first I thought you'll be bad. But after finding out you're a Moonies and what you did, I'm very sure you're very good.... You're totally my type" She winked and Ricky looked at her.

"Don't get me wrong. When I say my type... I mean friends so don't get the wrong thought. Ricky forever remains the man after my heart" She grinned wistfully as she walked.

They are already in already in front of thier apartment or maybe because of her talks,they both didn't notice.

Ricky who had stopped walking,watched her retreating figure and a small smile crept on his lips but it immediately disappeared.

"Bye neighbor!" Lily waved at him and start walking in, She was almost entering her house when...

"Take care of bruise otherwise it will get back and don't stay out late at night anymore,you might not lucky next time" He said and didn't wait for her reply before going in.

Lily nodded.

"Of course I will. I wouldn't want Ricky to see me with a single scar on my body" She added and walked in.



A black Bugatti drove into the building and as usual, there were tons of fans outside the company when they drove in.

They're here!!

Moonlight pitch!

Oh my! Ricky!!

They're so cool!

Look at me!

MP! I love you!!

Ricky especially...

They screamed on top of their voice as the boys made their way into the company with their bodyguards blocking the fans from jumping on them.

"Thank goodness you're here,I hope you're with the tape" Manager Gregor said bumping into them at the hallway.

"Yes sir" Trace grinned and they all laughed except Kelly.

Manager Gregor suddenly noticed Kris wasn't with them.

"Where's Kris?" He asked.

"He should be here by now,he said he was coming here" Trace replied.

"Do we really have to wait for him? You said the CEO wanted to see us all of a sudden" Kelly interrupted said and manager Gregor nodded.

"Kelly!" Trace snapped.

"Yeah. I got a call from him,although he isn't yet here." Manager Gregor said and they nodded.

"Come with me" He added and the boys followed him.

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