CHAPTER 34: Bursted.

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Minnie eyes met with the walla clock as she laid on her bed.

"Did he just stood me up again?" She sighed and sat up,grabbing her phone from the stand to call Rudy.

She's all dressed up since two hours cos they're planning to eat out and now,he's still not here.p

"What's he up to? Don't tell me he's with that b*tch again?" She hissed as she dail his number for minutes but he never picked.

"You better not be cheating on my Rudy or else" She started pacing around the room,her heart racing.

She tried calling him again but nothing happened,she stamped her foot on the floor and threw the phone on the bed angrily.

"If you won't come for me, I'll be the one to do it" She grabbed her bag and made to leave the room when her phone started ringing.

She rushed to it and a smile appeared on her face when she saw who's it. Rudy!

"Where are you? Don't tell me you're not coming anymore? Did you just stood me up again? Are you with that b*tch call Lily!" She snapped.

"This isn't Rudy,the owner of the phone was found unconscious in front of my house. He was stabbed" A lady voice said.

Minnie's eyes widened.

"My Rudy? Stabbed!" She screamed loudly.

"Yes,we've taken him to long life hospital" The lady continue.

"W-what the address?" Minnie asked shakingly.



Lily was already waiting in the ICU when Minnie arrived. Her anger only doubled but she ignored her first,all that matter now is seeing Rudy.

The doctor came out of the operating ward and she immediately rushed to him.

Lily also stood,her eyes were had already turned red cos she had been crying nonstop.

"How's he? How's Rudy? Tell me he's okay?" Minnie asked at once.

"I'm sorry to say this, but he's in critical condition because he lost a lot of blood before he was brought here. His blood type is common,so we were able to get him the transfusion he needed. We're operating on him now,but the chances of him surviving are only 50 percent and there's a chance he may even end up in a coma. Please prepare yourself for the worst" The doctor said and walked away.

Minnie broke down in tears as the doctor finished saying that,same as Lily.

"Please be strong for me,I  can't do without you... Don't you dare leave me alone or else I'm coming with you" Minnie cried out.

Minnie's eyes landed on Lily, and she remembered how Rudy had rushed out when she texted. She stood up and walked towards her.

"You're such a bad omen,Lily! It's all your fault that Rudy is lying there, fighting for his life! If he hadn't rushed out to see you after you texted him, he'd be fine by now! You're bad luck!"

"I'm sorry..." Minnie slapped her.

"Stop putting my boyfriend life in danger all in the name of friendship!" Minnie grabbed her hair.

"I didn't mean for this to happen to him...."

Minnie tightened her grip on Lily's hair. She tried to say something, but Minnie wasn't interested in hearing anything she had to say.

"Let her go...." Ricky appeared and freed Lily from Minnie's grip.

"Let me go,this b*tch need to be taught a lesson... I've been patient enough now you want to take him from me forever!" Minnie snapped as one of the nurse grabbed her.

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