CHAPTER 40: Who Are You?

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After Kelly hit Ricky last night, he hasn't come back. He spent the night at the province with his sister.

Cody and Trace went to get some stuffs they needed.

He would have gone to his apartment to look for him but he realized he didn't even know his address.

Ricky actually told him about his date and he had planned everything out for the couple with Ricky promising he'd told him how it went but now....

He's not even picking....

"Fuck! How can I be so unreasonable!" He sighed out and left his room to the kitchen, his phone still in his hand.

He opened the freezer and was about to grab a can of soda when a knock came from the door.

He assumed it was Ricky and just opened it, his brows seized immediately.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a serious look.

"You haven't been responding to my texts and even calls...

"Now you know how it's feels to be ignored" Kris cut in, leaving the door opened.

"I'm really sorry you've to believe me, he found out about us and I had to do something about it?" Linda said.

"And you think talking to him will solve the solution? Don't be unreasonable Linda" Kris scoffed.

"I had to beg him to keep it a secret, there's nothing going on between us believe me Kris"

"I believe you" Kris replied without looking at her.

"I won't be repeating this again,stay away from him. I don't like seeing you both together,don't you get it...."

She moved closer and hugged him.

"I'm sorry, please forgive me this once Linda and it will never happen again" She said tearfully.

"It's okay" Kris broke the hug and wiped her face.

"This is my first time coming here,I never knew it was this beautiful,this place look so neat" Linda said checking around.

"What did you take us for? Some pig?" Kris said and they both chuckled.

"Is there no CCTV around here?"

"There use to be one, but we requested for it to be taken down. Just because we're celebrities doesn't mean we can't have our private lives" Kris rolled his eyes.

Her tummy rumbled.

"Lemme guess, you didn't had breakfast before rushing here?" Kris said.

Linda nodded biting her lower lips slightly.

"I will order some food for us but first, you can't stay here, let's go to my room" He grabbed hand.

"Sure" Linda smiled and and carried her bag, they both left for his room.



Cody got a call from his aunt so he had to rushed to her. Trace was alone,he was picking the things they needed by the veggies section when he spotted Amelia.

He didn't see her clearly at first but when she turned,he confirmed it's her.

"Lia!" He called but she didn't hear him.

He went to her and before he could called her attention she turned to him.

"I just knew I was hearing a familiar voice, what are you doing here?" Amelia asked with a smile.

"Getting some groceries and you?" Trace asked.

"Me too, my boss gave us a day off cos something came up" Amelia said and Trace nodded.

He grabbed her trolley from her and dropped his basket into it, he started pushing out the trolley as they picked out some items together.

"What's your mum's favourite fruit?" Amelia suddenly asked.

"All kind of berries, why do you ask?" Trace replied.

"Strawberries, blueberries or raspberries, which one did she love most?"

"Strawberries" Trace said.

Amelia nodded.

"Why do you ask?" He asked.

"Just curious, what about you?" She grinned.

"I don't have a favorite fruit" Trace answered.

"What the fuck? Is that even possible?" Amelia shook her head.

"Yes it is" Trace said and they both laughed.

"Wait... Did you call me Lia earlier or was i mishearing things?" Amelia ask with wide eyes.

"You don't like it?"

"Not that, I'm not use to people calling me that, except for mum and Lily"

"Can I start calling you that from now on?"

"Do whatever you want" Amelia replied.

Amelia picked a lot of strawberries and other fruits and Trace paid for them with his own.

"Thanks for this!" She said as they got to his car.

Trace nodded and they both entered the car,he was about to start the car when Amelia spoke.

"I think I might have left something behind" She immediately get off and entered the supermarket but two guys suddenly caught her attention.

They were showing a picture of someone to the cashier and she immediately recognized them as Sebastian's men's.

She quickly turned and stormed out, into Trace's car.

"Let's get out of here fast!" She snapped panting.

"Why? Is something wrong?" Trace asked worriedly.

"Don't ask questions, just drive" She said fearfully.

Trace gave her a confused look before starting the car.



Lily was surprised to see Ricky sitting up when she entered the ward.

She'd been called by the nurse the night before that he'd woken up, and she hadn't been able to sleep at all, if she could have rushed over there, she would have done it.

She rushed over to Ricky and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace.

"I'm so glad you're awake. I really thought you'd left me but I never give up" She said in a whisper.

Ricky remained in a position without hugging her back.

She slowly disengaged the hug and face him.

"Are you okay?" She asked slowly, but the next word he said shocked her.

"Who are you?"

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