CHAPTER 30: I'm Sorry.

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Mole was on his knees beside a furnace sobbing silent as he watch the hot steel in it get burnt.

Autumn was sitting on a wooden chair near him,a cigarette between her lips,she threw the current one down and lighted another before standing up.

She walk to the fire and pull out the steel,she smirked and started walking towards him,Mole raised his head.

"I think I've given you more than enough time,this is the third day and you know what that means,the deadline" She scoffed as Mole shierked in fear.

"I really did my best but he kept coming for her...."

Autumn shoved the steal into his bare back before he could finish.

"Aaaah! It's hurt! It's hurt!" He cried out in pain.

"Exactly,I want it to hurt like hell.. in fact that's not even enough. How dare you f*cking fail me? This isn't your first time carrying out a task,why are you resisting on killing this one?!" Autumn yelled.

"I-i really.. almost kill her but... he just come out of no where and...

"Shut up!" Autumn shouted and kicked his face.

Mole winced on the floor wiping his bursted lips.

"Yunno the reason why I'm still considering not ruining your ugly face is because you're a public figure. I won't want your mate to find out about you,not now!"

Mole continue sobbing as he struggle to get up.

"I'm sorry...."

"Get the f*ck out! I don't wanna see your face!" Autumn yelled.

Mole sniffed and get up in a rush,he immediately ran out.

"That idiot! I wonder why father is insisting on keeping him,I feel like pulling out his liver!" She hissed and continue smoking.



"I love you!"

"I love you!"

"I love you Lily!"

This words kepts appearing on Lily's mind as she closed her eyes,forcing herself to sleep.


"F**k!" Lily sighed and sat up,she opened her window and saw the light in his room was off.

The one who confessed is already asleep and here she is,still struggling to sleep.

"Why are you even thinking about it? You should just turn down nicely tomorrow and go back to ignoring each other. Yes!" She nodded and fell on her bed,she close her eyes again but nothing happened.

"Aargh! I hate this" She climb off the bed and wore her jacket,leaving the room.

She walk out of the house and her eyes widened. Ricky was there staring at nothing in particular,he was backing her.

She made to sneak back in but he turned at that moment and saw her.

"Hi!" She grinned awkwardly and walk out,avoiding his eyes till she got to him.

He stop staring at her and resumed staring at the sky. Lily won't stop bitting her lips,regretting she ever come out of the house.

She was not even standing close to him yet the silence is killing. What is he doing to her? Seriously?

"You must really enjoy watching the stars!" She uttered out unknowingly.

Ricky turned to her,she immediately looked away.

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