CHAPTER 49: Gunshot

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Kelly was outside the mansion,smoking when Kris came out.

"What the f**k dude? Has it gotten to this?" He spat in shock.

Kelly looked up but said nothing, he resumed what he was doing.

Kris walk up to him and grabbed the cigarettes from him,he threw it to the floor and matches on it.

Kelly got up and push him hard that he almost fell.

"Mind your own fucking business, we ain't friends" He hissed and started leaving.

"The Kelly I used to know, hate smell of smoke and not you're taking it. You've really changed a lot" Kris said.

Kelly stopped walking.... He faced him.

"Maybe you never really know who I am, you never care about me before, why are you just showing stupid concern now....

"I know it's hurt to loose your sister but stop blaming others about it...." Kelly grabbed his collar before he could finish.

"Stop bringing her into this conversation" Kelly yelled at the verge of tears.

"You really have to let her go now, it's been fucking four years ago...." Kris shot and Kelly punch him hard immediately.

"I should forget? You of all people know how much she mean to me, you were my fucking friend but what did you do? You become close to my enemy even though you know how much I fucking hate him!"

Kris wiped his bursted lips.

"Tell me, one reason why I should hate him when he hasn't done anything wrong" He said.

"Forget it" Kelly folded his fist and entered the house,running into Cody who seems to have been listening to their convo.

He almost hide but Kelly saw him and grab him, pulling him into a corner.

"W....what if someone sees us?" Cody stuttered.

"Do I look like I care? I'm running out of patience already. We're executing out plan tomorrow,at the concert" Kelly said.

"What plan?" Cody ask fearfully.

"Ending Ricky's life....." Kelly replied.

"What?" Cody's eyes widened.



"Come in" Tanya said pulling Cody into the uncompleted building.

"Why do you bring me here?" Cody ask looking around.

"Just come with me and stop asking questions" Tanya rolled her eyes.

She took him to a room and Cody's eyes widened when he saw Vivian on a sick bed, looking so weak and pale.

"Vivian!" He almost rushed to her but Tanya pulled her back.

"Are you crazy?" She yelled.

"I want to talk to her......" Cody said pitifully.

"You can't, what if Kelly comes here and find out? You really think she won't tell on you. That girl though Kelly is her brother and not you idiot!" Tanya spat.

Cody eyes widened.


"I can't go into the full details, all I know is he manipulate her into believing he's you. I only brought you here cos I want you to trust me I'm on your side" Tanya patted him.

"What do you want me to do?" Cody ask in tears.

"Let's get rid of both Lily and Kelly together...." Tanya smirked.

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