CHAPTER 19: Don't Go.

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Trace walked into hotel,looking around beneath his mask.

He sighed brought out his phone to put a call across to Mr Cooper when someone called his name from behind.

"MP Trace?" He turned to see a guy in suit.

Good thing it's a private hotel,well it's like Mr Cooper home so it's okay to call him that loud without thier fans freaking out.

"Yes" Kelly replied and the guy smiled.

"Mr Cooper asked me to bring you to him." He said and Trace scrutinized him.

"Who are you?" He asked and the guy smiled.

"Mr Cooper's new secretary" He said and Trace looked at him. He had seen Mr Cooper secretary once, and for some reason he doesn't look familiar but he shrugged it.

He has only seen the dude once and from far so he can't tell.

"Okay" Trace said and followed him.

They took the elevator to the floor Mr Cooper was in, and immediately they got down,the guy's phone started ringing.

"I'm coming sir" He said and Trace nodded, waiting for him to finish with the call which he did in a short while and returned to him.

"The CEO just called me and asked me to bring something for him so I can't escort you there. Go straight,the fifth room by the left... Room 342... That's his new lodge... I'll be back." The guy said and rushed off immediately.

Trace raised his brows having a bad feeling about the whole thing. What is Mr Cooper planning this time around.

He wondered but still went ahead. Immediately he left, the elevator doors opened again and Amelia got down from it, she was in a classic outfit different from what she wears to work and she had a makeup on.

She took the opposite direction from which Trace took,going to God knows where.

Trace got to the room and places a knock on it twice, when he didn't hear anything... He looked around before opening the door.

He was greeted with an empty room. He raised his brows,shutting the door behind him.

'Where's Mr Cooper?' He wondered.

"Mr Cooper?" He called walking further in whilst looking around.

He heard a noise from the bathroom and thought maybe Mr Cooper was inside, so he stood by the window, waiting for him with his hand in his pocket.

He was busy staring out of the window when he felt someone wrapped their arm around his waist from behind and that startled him.

He immediately pushed the person off and turned to see a lady in only a white towel.

His eyes widened.

"Who're you and what are you doing here?" He asked and the lady smirked in return.

He arched his brows in confusion staring at her. He suddenly noticed the bruise on her neck and few other on her hand and he wondered what was wrong with her.

As if something came inside her, she started screaming... Trace stared at her confusedly.

"What's going on? What happened?" He asked but the girl hugged him instead surprising him the more.

Trace immediately pushed her off and she went back to him, pulling his shirt whilst screaming.

"Are you crazy?! Let go of me!" He yelled pushing her again and tried rushing out of the but the door was locked.

She rushed to him again, still screaming while trying to hug and Trace pushed her off. By now his hair and shirt was already scattered and he was beginning to sweat.

The door suddenly opened and the guy who introduced himself as the Mr Cooper's secretary rushed in but this time,he was in a different outfit entirely.

She immediately pulled the lady from Trace and the lady stopped screaming.

"I'm sorry sir. She actually has some mental issues, she lost her husband few weeks ago and since then,she assumes any young man she sees as her husband" He said and Trace exhaled adjusting his shirt.

Three buttons has fallen off the shirt leaving him with his inner wear revealing.

"It's alright" Trace said and suddenly noticed the man.

"Aren't you the guy I met earlier? Mr Cooper's secretary?" He asked and the guy raised his brows.

"Me? No... This is my first time meeting you." He said.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm sure you must have mistook me for someone else, it happens" The guy said and Trace simply shook his head walking out of the room.

He passed Amelia by the door. Actually,she was passing by when she heard the screams coming from the room.

She shrugged before walking away, as well.



Ricky was waiting outside for Lily to return to wherever she went to. He has been sitting outside for more than an hour now.

A car suddenly drove into the compound and Lily got out of it waving at whoever brought her home till the car was out of sight, he couldn't see who it was that brought her back.

He stood up as Lily walked to him.

"Whoa! You're home. What are you doing outside? This is unlike you" Lily said and Ricky just stared at her blankly.

"Who was it?" He asked and Lily raised her brow.

"Who was who?" She asked and Ricky scoffed.

"Don't play dumb! The dude that brought you home! I thought you said you loved Ricky, and you're going out with some other guy?!" He yelled and Lily blinked, completely confused.

"I don't understand, what's with you?! Why are you so upset? And how does this matter to you?!" She asked.

"That's because you lied! You give someone so much hope and then break everything! Why?! If you really love Ricky as you claim then stop flirting with some other guy! What would he think of you if he eventually finds out?!" Ricky snapped.

"Shut the f**k up!" Lily yelled.

"Who the heck do you think you are to criticize me?! Who? How dare you!" She yelled and Ricky immediately regretted saying that.

"You're just my freaking neighbour and I think you should know your place! Mind your f**king business and do not interfere in my affair!" She made clear to him.

Ricky sighed out closing his eyes. Lily made to walk away but he held her wrist.

She turned to him with an angry glare but it met the guilty look on his face which was enough to melt her heart,but she wouldn't let it,she was really mad at him.

"Let me go!" She glared staring at thier hands.

"Please don't go... I'm... I'm sorry." He apologized and Lily stared at him.

"I'm sorry." Ricky said and Lily scoffed.

Is he serious right now?

She thought and as if that wasn't enough, he hugged her.

She blinked completely surprised. Her eyes widened as she swallowed nothing.

Her fists clenched and she stood transfixed without pushing him off.

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