CHAPTER 26: Who He Really Is.

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"Then what if...?" he paused looking at her face some sign of her reaction.

"What if what?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What if I'm your Ricky?" he said,finally facing her fully.

There was a long,deafening silence. She stared at him,stunned,unable to form a response.

She suddenly she broke into a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Ricky asked,raising his eyebrows.

"You... you're joking,right? Are you really pulling my leg? How can you make such an expensive joke? You're MPS Ricky? Unbelievable" She asked between fits of laughter.

"I knew it! How could I expect her to believe me right away?" he thought,sighing.

"I'm leaving,good night"  he said and walked off.

"Seriously? You're leaving me hanging like this?" she called out,still laughing. She hurried after him,she catch up to him and gabbed his hand.

"What now?"

"Hold on, I just want to know if you're serious or not. How can you say something like that and then just walk away?"She said,her laughter now fading.

He turned to face her,his expression still serious.

"I am serious" he said,holding her gaze.

Lily's laughter died down as she took in his expression. Despite his serious face,she couldn't bring herself to believe him. Instead, she doubled over in laughter again.

"I'm sorry,I just can't believe you"

He huffed and turned to leave again.

"Where are you going?" she asked,trying to stifle her giggles.

Ricky said nothing.

The two of them walked back to their apartment, but Lily's laughter followed them all the way.

She giggled the entire way, even as they arrived at the door. Her laughter finally died down as she caught her breath.

"Goodnight!" Ricky said and entered his house.

"Seriously? Why can't stop laughing,is he trying to be a cool type or what? He's totally not my type!" Lily shooked her head and walked in.



There was total silence as Mr Cooper watch the CCTV footage with Manager Gregor.

"I told you sir,he's really innocent" Manager Gregor said as the video ended.

"So.. when are you releasing this?" Mr Cooper asked.

"As soon as I leave now,I already inform the press to meet you and also Trace should give a statement to his fans too and...

"Gregor!" Mr Cooper cut him off.

Manager Gregor blinked.

"Get to the point and stood wasting my time here"

"I'm sorry sir, I just feel I should let you know first" Manager Gregor bowed.

"It's okay,you can go... And tell Ricky I'll like to have a word him" Mr Cooper said.

"Sure!" Manager Gregor said and walk out.

Ricky was just heading back from the restroom when he saw him.

"Good thing I bump into you,the CEO will like to see you" He told him.

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