CHAPTER 13: Stings Of Jealousy

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Tanya finished dressing up, she checked herself out in the mirror before walking out her room to the living room.

Meeting no one,she went straight to her dad's room,he was in a meeting with one of his investors who's also his close friend Roger.

"Dad I need to speak with you" She said immediately.

Billy and Roger looked up.

"We will soon be done with the meeting,you can just sit down and wait for me princess" Billy said and Roger almost couldn't believe his ears.

He had to believe anyway,this isn't the first time he would be witnessing how Billy spoilt her.

"No,it's urgent or I might get mad!" Tanya rolled her eyes.

"Please don't princess,it's just a minutes left,Roger and I will soon be done" Billy said.

"Do I look like I give a f**k? If you're going to choose him over me then I'm outta here!" She hissed and turn to leave but Billy ran after her and grabbed her hands.

Roger watch the scene unfold in front of him in silence. He knows better than interfering in their business if he still love his job.

"Are you going to let me speak now?" Tanya turned to Billy,her arms crossed.

"I'm all hear my princess" Billy replied.

"How can you allow my bank account balance to be lower than 50million dollars? How? I'm your only daughter and the heiress to your fortune,how can you treat me like this?" Tanya nagged.

"I know I wasn't thinking.. Calm down princess,I'll transfer a lot to you as soon as you leave here i promise" Billy immediately brought out his phone.

"Good! That's why I love you dad!" She grinned and hugged him.

"I love you too!" Billy smiled. Tanya broke the hug and shot Roger a hateful glare before walking out.

Just like Billy said,her phone beeped immediately. He had just send another 50million dollars to her,infact he doubled it.

"Good!" She smirked and entered her car. one thing about her is that they had enough drivers but she preferred doing it herself.

Tanya started the car and drove out of the mansion.



The members of Moonlight Pitch are seated at a table,the fans are in a long line in front of them. Each and everyone of them had their own line where their fans lined up.

As expected Ricky's own was the longest. Infact he's tired of signing already, picture and everything but they kept coming

Lily was among the middle trying her best to push her way to the front but no one is ready leave their spot for her.

"F**k! What if they call it a day and I didn't get a chance like before?" She sighed checking her watch. She had been here since ten in the morning but she's still not giving up.

Ricky on the other hand was eye searching her among the crowd but couldn't spot her anywhere.

"Is she not coming?" He said as he checked his wrist watch.


Lily sighed tiredly. She already found a spot to seat, but she still had her eyes on the line.

She was looking for an opportunity to cut through it and when she finds it, she swear she was gonna push harder.

It's either she or the person gets hurt in the process but she has to cut through this long line.

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