CHAPTER 15: Go Out With Me.

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Lily walked into the restaurant and look around for Kelly,he was sitting by the back,he saw the first to see her,so he waved his hand.

Lily went to join him,he's wearing a cap and a mask as usual.

"It must be hard being a celebrity" Lily said as she sit across him.

"Really hard, that's what we've always want our fans to know but we're not allowed to tell them about it" Kelly sighed.

"At least you can share it with me now, I'll be your secrets keeper" She smiled.


Lily nodded.

"What would you like to have?" Kelly asked with a smile.

"Anything" She replied.

Kelly smiled and signalled the waiter to come,he ordered the same meal for both of them. Their food was bought to them. Lily began eating immediately.

She's not the type to act too girly in front of a guy. Maybe because she's used to being with Rudy all the time.

"You're not eating....." She suddenly look up when she felt his gaze on her.

"I'm full just watching you eat" Kelly replied and she blinked.

"I mean I can eat with this on,yunno how our fans can be" He looked around,Lily turned to see there were eyes on his especially the girls sitting next to them.

They seem to be arguing if he's a Kelly or not.

"What if they found out it's you? Let's leave this place" She immediately got up.

"But you're not done yet...."

She was already out before he could even land,Kelly went to pay for their food before joining her outside.

"I really care about you and your career a lot! I don't want to put you into trouble" Lily said.

"It's alright,but you seem to have a lot of appetite in there....

"I just eat it cos it will be a waste, I'm not hungry!" She cut him off,it was followed with a loud rumbled from her stomach.

"Your stomach says otherwise" Kelly chuckled.

Lily bits her lips.

"Let's just go to another restaurant...

"Still risky! Just buy me that!" She said pointing to an ice cream stand in front of them.

"Okay,let's go!" Kelly said but Lily pulled him back.


"I'll be the one to get it,what if they recognize your voice or something?" Lily nagged.

"Do you care about me that much?" Kelly chuckled.

"Of course,I told you before... You're my second favorite after Ricky!" She grinned.

Kelly frowned but he quickly covered it up with a smile.

"What flavor?" She ask as he hand her some money.

"Anyone is okay with me" Kelly replied.

Lily nodded and left to get it,she came back and hand him one. It's a vanilla flavor,same as hers.

"Thanks alot!" Lily smiled.

"My pleasure" Kelly smiled back and they started walking together.



Ricky stood in front of his apartment with his hands tucked into his pocket. He was waiting for Lily even if he's refusing to believe he's doing all this for her.

He pulled out a note from his pocket and opened it.


The note said.

"What's that?" Lily suddenly appeared.

"It's nothing" Ricky immediately hide it.

"Okay" She replied and started walking in.

"Wait...." Ricky said and she stop walking.

"What?" She faced him.

"Here" He stretched it to her and Lily stared down at the note,then his face.

"What's this?" She ask without collecting it from him.

"Can you at least take it? My hand is hurting" Ricky groaned.

Lily took it from him and opened it.

"Oh my goodness!" Lily screamed madly staring at the note as if it's was some treasures.

He only gave her the authograph,he knows he'll have a lot to about the apology.

"How did you get this?" She faced him.

"I was there at their fansign meeting!" Ricky stuttered and ruffled his hair.

"Really? I thought guys don't fancy things like this... How did he...

"Should I take it back if you don't want it?" She cut her off.

"Of course not!" She rolled her eyes.

"You like it right?"

"I don't!" Lily snapped,her face teary.


"I love it,this is the first time I'll be seeing and holding his real authograph. Not some forge one from the fans! I really can't believe this..." Lily sniffed.

"Are you crying?" Ricky asked in disbelief.

"I'm not..."

"But you're" Ricky said mockingly.

"You don't know what it means to be a fangirl,it's like a dream come true for me" She added.

Ricky watched her with

"So what do I get in return for giving you this?" He suddenly said,crossing his arms.

"Thank you so much!" Lily giggled.

"You really think thank you is enough?" Ricky scoffed.

"Fine! I should know you wouldn't do anything for free,what do you want? Don't ask for money though.. I'm not rich..."

"Go out with me" He said without thinking twice.

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