CHAPTER 10: Meeting Kelly.

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Rowena was preparing to leave the house but her phone started ringing,she dropped her bag aside and checked the caller ID.

It's Lily.

"You finally decided to pick my call after making me wait for more than two weeks!" She shouted immediately she picked the call.

"Mum,calm down... I've been busy" Lily voice said over the phone.

"Really? Too busy to have time for your mum? How can you do such a thing? I took care of you for 21 years..."

"Aaargh!" Lily groaned loudly. This is not the first time she would be saying that anyway.

"What did you have to say mum? I'm really running late yunno!"

"Fine I'll admit it,I'm worried about you" Rowena said.

"Worried? Just say you miss me..." Lily pouted.

"Miss you my foot,I'm worried because you refuse to give me your new home address. Tell me something I don't know,are you staying with a man? Do you have a boyfriend I don't know of?" Rowena yelled.

"I'm not a kid any longer so you should even be happy to have a grandchildren,not the other way around" Lily grinned.

"Are you serious right now? You won't surely be the end of me! Come back home right now you w*tch......" She didn't get to finish her words before Lily hang up.

"She didn't just hang up on me right?" Rowena scoffed before going out.



"Why didn't you both Inform me we ran out of tulips flowers?" Mrs Rose turned to Lily and Amelia who was busy with the cutting of the flowers stems.

"Oh my goodness I didn't know!" Amelia answered.

"Me neither!" Lily said.

"What do we do? Looks like the guy from your obsessed boy band would be needing another one" Mrs Rose said and Lily's eyes widened.

She could see Kris waiting outside in his car.

'Whao! He came back? Does that mean he has a girlfriend or something?' She exclaimed inwardly.

"What should we do? We can't afford to loose so much money?" Amelia said sadly.

"As if Lily won't give it out to him for free!" Mrs Rose said and they all laughed.

"Babes! Don't panic okay? I know what to do Mrs Rose,You both do your best to make him wait for at least thirty minutes while I rust to the market to get some" Lily grinned and quickly grabbed her bag,before Amelia and Mrs Rose could speak,she already sneaked out.

"Wait,did she just call me babes?" Mrs Rose gasped.

"Gosh! Lily!" Amelia shooked her head.

Luckily for Lily,she got a cab immediately she stepped out. They arrived at the market in less than ten minutes and she paid the driver before coming down.

She bought out her phone to check the time.

"Ten minutes gone"

She almost kept her phone back suddenly remembered something.

"Wait a minute!" She went straight to MPS daily update website and a gasp escape her lips.

"Thier fansign is tommorow and I wasn't aware? What were you thinking Lily?" She pressed her lips together.

She was so engrossed in what she was staring at and didn't notice a weird guy that has been watching her.

"Miss watch out!" She heard a voice screamed and turned back,but it was too late the guy already hijacked her bag and phone.

Before she could even blink,he was already running off fast,no doubts her tiny legs cannot met up with him.

It's as if she give up on even chasing after him immediately cos she just stood on a spot watching him run further.

"F**k!" The guy who called her attention cussed out and immediately went after the thief,in a hot chase.

"My phone... My bag.... F**k! I'm so dead" She sat on the floor and broke into tears,not minding the people watching her.


Lily got up and wiped her tears,she really has to give up now and go home unless she want to be the talk of the town on the news tommorow.

"You're so stupid Lily! Stupid! How do I get home now?" She lamented as she walked away,one would really think she's crazy with the way she's walking barefooted.

She already took off her shoes.

"Miss!!!" A guy touched her shoulder and she turned to see the same guy who went after her thief. He was holding her bag and phone.

"Here!" He said breathlessly,he obviously ran so much because of her.

"Thank you so much!" She smiled but she didn't care about her bags and phone but the cap and face mask he was wearing.

The guy nodded and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute... Aren't you Kelly from Moonlight Pitch?" She gasped and her hands flewed to her mouth.

"You must really be a die hard fan for you to recognize me even with my mask and cap" Kelly said and look around before removing his mask only.

"OMG! It's really you! How could I not recognize you? I'm 100% Moonies! I've been stanning you guys since your debut and Ricky is my bias!" Lily giggled and the smile on Kelly's face disappear.

"Don't be disappointed! I love you too,you're my second favorite. Your stage presence and everything,even your face is something to write home about! You're too handsome"


Lily nodded,she immediately dipped her hand inside her bag and brought out her notepad and pen.

"Can I get your authograph please?" She blinked cutely.

"Sure! What's your name?" He asked.

"It's Lily! Lily Campbell!" Lily smiled.

Kelly chuckled at her cuteness and eventually signed on the small note,adding her name too.

"Thank you so so much!" She smiled as he hand the note back to her.

"See yah!" Kelly winked and used his cap and mask again,he left her side and start walking away.

"OMG! Don't tell me he just winked at me? Do he just... OMG!" She screamed out before knowing it that the people passing by could help but stop to stare at her.

The same girl who was just weeping bitterly right now,is currently grinning from ear to ear,no doubt she's crazy.

"Is she okay? I don't think so" Some groups of girls said as they walk beside her and she immediately stopped smiling.

"They'll think you're crazy,you've to control yourself Lily!" Lily said to herself.

"Today surely has my luckiest day!" She gushed.

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