CHAPTER 8: Tanya's Plan.

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Ricky was outside feeding White when Lily came out,as if planned she turned to his direction and their gaze locked.

"Good morning pole!" Lily screamed with a wave.

"Here she goes again...." Ricky sighed and got up,he took White and entered his house.

If there's anything he's not ready for this morning,it's her blabbering mouth.

"Is this guy not mentally unstable or what? How can see ignore me after saving me? Does she has some sort of memory lose or something?" She rolled her eyes and started walking away.

She was almost stopping a cab when Rudy's car came to a halt in front of here.

"Aish! What are you doing here?" She groaned as he came down from the car.

"To give you a lift of course... Don't even refused,you know I won't allow you" Rudy grinned and grabbed her bag from her.

Lily sighed out before entering the car,he also joined her and start the car.

"I should have ask earlier but It's skips my mind cos of Minnie,what did you and mum talked about?" Rudy asked after a while.

"Not something I can share with you,this is between us" Lily replied and turned to the window side.

"Really now? When did you start hiding things for me?"

"Let's stop talking about that,can you speak to my friend for a while...

"Your friend?" Rudy faced her.

"Amelia,she promised to split the flower payment I gave to Kris for free if you would talk to her. Please crab" She pleaded cutely.

"My answer is no,I never ask you to give out flowers for free... And that face doesn't suit you" He scoffed.

"Are you sure? Pretty please! You know I love you right?" She blinked repeatedly acting so cute.

"Fine! Fine! Stop talking!" Rudy snapped looking away.

"See,you can't even say no to me" Lily giggled.

Soon,he pulled the car to a halt in front of the shop,Lily immediately got down and rushed in to get Amelia.

They came back only to met nothing,he already left.

"Gosh! That jerk!" Lily said inwardly.

"Where is he?" Amelia asked impatiently.

"I forget to tell you,he said he had something to attend to. You'll surely talk to him tonight huh! Let's go back in" Lily smiled and started walking in,Amelia followed disappointedly but she remembers she'll get to speak with him tonight,a smile appeared on her lips.


Ricky had just dropped white on the couch,he walk into the kitchen going straight to check the sink.

He rough his hair and sighed seeing the pot still rusty and overly burnt.

Actually he forget about what he was cooking last night he was watching Lily's crazy dance,he was only brought back to reality when the smell of the burnt food filled his nostrils.

He only had soda last night and now he's supper hungry.

"F*ck!" He cussed and took the pot,he angrily trashed it and left the kitchen.

He was about to sat down and order something but the door bell rang that moment.

He got up reluctantly and went to open it. He raised his brows seeing his mom and Tanya.

"What are you both doing here?" He asked at once.

"How can you be so cold? Even to me? Of course I miss you so much!" Jiwoo stepped in and immediately kissed his cheek.

"Stop! I'm no longer a kid" He said and his Jiwoo stepped back.

"Why did you bring her here?" Ricky demanded,his eyes still on Tanya.

"Jinja! (Really!) How can you do that to her after just seeing her for years?" Jiwoo folded her arms.

"I know right" Tanya pouted from behind.

Ricky rolled his eyes.

"Either ways! I only came to drop something for you,I'll leave you both to talk okay" Jiwoo slowly dropped the stuffs she brought for him and left.

Ricky sighed out and Tanya quickly walked in.

"I'm sorry if this got you really mad,I just couldn't help it. How about I cook for you? I know you miss my cookings a lot!" She grinned.

Ricky said nothing and left for his room,Tanya bit his lips and sat down.

"Wow! He still had this cat,so cute of him" She smiled and made to touch White but the cat left her side.

Tanya scoffed.

Ricky came back all dressed up.

"Let's eat out instead" He said and a smile appeared on her lips. She quickly got up and rushed to him,hugging his arms.

"Thank goodness,I miss you alot! What about you?" She grinned.

Ricky removed her hand from his.

"Let's go,you do the driving" He said and enter the front seat.

"Of course" Tanya smiled and got into the driver seat,she took one last glance at him before droving off.

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