CHAPTER 52: How's That Possible?

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"Cody! Who the hell are you?!" Ricky yelled,his voice a mix of anger,betrayal,and curiosity.

Cody dropped the cat and took a step toward him. He held up his hands.

"I can explain, just let me talk...." Cody mumbled.

Ricky threw his hands off and step back.

"Well, start talking" He said with his arms crossed.

"We can't talk here, let's go somewhere else." He made to take his hand again but Ricky shot him dangerous glare stopping him.

"No, tell me every single details I need to hear here without leaving any thing out. Tell me right right now!"

"It's exactly what you're thinking...." Cody began.

"Don't tell me....

"It's me, your best friend Leo" Cody drop the bombshell.

"This for Trace right?" Lily jumped on the seat where Trace guitar is kept and picked it up.

"Yes, how do you know?" Kris asked sitting next to her.

He just finish showing her around and they settle down in their studio.

"He uses them often in live shows and fan meeting sometimes. I basically knows everything about you guys,I've been a fan since your debut,except I'm obsessed with Ricky" Lily grimaced.

"Well, It's pretty obvious. Ricky told me everything about you, and of course how crazy you are when you're still living next door"

"He told you all that too?" Lily pouted.

"We're quite close" Kris smiled handsomely.

"Can you teach me how to play this"

"Sure" Kris nodded and grab the guitar from her,he started by showing her the keys to play.

She caught up quickly being a fast learner,after few minutes of trying, Kris returned the guitar to her.

"Your turn?" He said.

Lily took a proud deep breath and almost start playing when suddenly, there was a scream from outside.

Kris and Lily exchange glances and rushed out at once to see what was happening.

Getting there,they met Ricky and Cody screaming at each other, clearly in some sort of argument. Trace, who was also in his room,ran outside to see what was going on.

"What is going on here?" Trace stood in between them.

Cody grabbed Ricky by the arm and started dragging him away from the house.

"I said what is going on here?" Trace interrupted and Cody released Ricky's hand.

"Let's go Lily" Ricky grabbed Lily's hand and she hurriedly carried White,he started taking her out but Cody blocked thier way.

"There's a lot I need to tell you but we need to get out of here, I can't tell you anything while we're here.... Just come with me please,it's important" Cody pleaded.

Ricky hesitated,torn between wanting to know what was going on and trusting Cody.

"Don't wait for him and go home straight from here, I'll see you later" Ricky peck Lily's forehead and walk out of the house.

Cody immediately followed.

Lily,Trace and Kris continue looking confused.

Cody opened the door and practically shoved Ricky into the passenger seat,he got into the driver seat and started the car.

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