CHAPTER 16: Confusion.

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"Go out with me" He said without thinking twice.

"What?" Lily exclaimed loudly.

"That's not what I mean by going out I mean I want you to go out with me,I'm always at home... You want us to he friends right? This is your chance" Ricky said at once.

"Why would I do such a thing?" Lily raised her eyebrows.


"We're not even close... Why would I go out with you? I'm a busy person okay?"

"Fine! Goodnight!" Ricky said and walked in.

"Is he angry?" She scoffed and entered her room.

"Finally!!!!" She fell on the bed staring at Ricky's autograph.

"I'm not hanging this,you're staying with me,by my side forever!" She mumbled and placed a short kiss on it,she literally stared at the notepad till she slept off.



"Why did you bring me here?" Ricky asked as he entered the mall with Tanya.

"Help me pick out some dress!" Tanya grinned.

"Why?" Ricky furrowed his eyebrows.

"To hang out with you of course!" Tanya said.

"How can you make such decision without even asking me?"

"Do I need to ask for your permission before you hang out with me? We're supposed to be friends!!" Tanya snapped.

Ricky said nothing.

"You really need to forget about Leo and move on with our lives! Not like it's your fault he...

"Stop!!!" Ricky shot her a hateful glare,he started walking out.

"Ricky wait!" She ran after him but he didn't wait.

"Should I start using hard way? Really?" She smirked and brought out her phone and dail someone's number.



"You bought this tickets again? Do you even have to attend before you know who the winner will be" Amelia groaned tiredly when Lily showed her the MP ticket she got this morning.

"Of course! I'll never missed it for once. I got two,you might wanna come" Lily grinned.

"Not interested. Tell me,do you even have savings at all? You probably spend them all on their stuffs,do you even buy things for yourself?" Amelia scoffed.

"Buying thier stuffs is like buying value things for myself!"

"You're really crazy Lily!" Amelia shooked her head.

"I know! Besides I'm already naturally a goddess I don't need to buy stuff before I look pretty" Lily said proudly.

"As if. Now tell me how you got Kelly's number cos I'm still in shock" Amelia sat beside her.

"Oh that!" Lily said flaunting her hair.

"Yh tell me!"

Lily then explained everything to her.

"Are you serious? He collected your number after seeing you in their fansign meeting cos he helped you before?" Amelia repeated in shock.

"Yes,I know it's hard to believe. I'm stilll finding it hard to believe cos he wouldn't give such a thing out just like that!" Lily muttered.

"Oh my goodness! What if he likes you?" Amelia gasped.

"Unbelievable!" Lily chuckled.

"If he don't,tell me why he'll wanna have a mere fan number? And also he rushed here the other day looking for you" Amelia crossed her arms.

"He came to look for me? When...

"I've something to tell you both" Mrs Rose interrupted.

Lily and Amelia turned to her.

"I might not be around for few days!" Mrs Rose said.

"Did something happen?" Lily asked.

"Are you traveling?" Amelia asked.

"Yh,I'll be out of the country for few days so I'm leaving the shop to you both!" Mrs Rose said.

"Trust me" Lily smiled.

"You mean us" Amelia rolled her eyes and they all smiled.



"Check this out!" Minnie said coming in.

"You look pretty as always!" Rudy complemented.

"Really?" She smiled sitting between his thighs.

Rudy nodded.

She suddenly loosen three of her shirt button and claimed his lips, loosening his in the process.

Minnie hunged her arms around her neck Rudy held her waist and hardened the kiss,they both fell on the bed with her on top.

She ran her hand through his abs and chest, drawing lines on it in anticipation.

She almost took off his shirt when...

"Babe... Wait..."

"Why should I? This is the third month you've touched me Rudy,we only did it once since we start dating... Do you even love me at all?!" Minnie snapped.

"This has nothing to do with love,I'm just tired okay?" Rudy said.

Minnie frowned and get off him,she ran her hands around her hair in frustration.

"Sometimes I wish I'm in her place,I wish I was your childhood friend and not her..." She said.


"Yunno who I'm talking about...."

"We wouldn't have date if you were in her place...."

"At least I'll be closer to your heart than your girlfriend" Minnie cut in.


"I understand,. I'm never letting you go. I can't share you with anything Rudy,not anyone... Especially that Lily girl! Keep that in mind... I'll take my leave now!" She grabbed her bag and start walking out.

Rudy grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry..."

"I'm not angry,I just need to cool off my head!" She said and walked out.

"What's wrong with me this days?" Rudy sighed and sat back.

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