CHAPTER 36: Let's Kiss With Mask On Idol.

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"Whatever,the ball in your court,you've to pick one,make your choice now" Mr. Cooper said.

Jiwoo went mute for a while but surprisedly broke into laughter which make Mr Cooper wonder why?

"What's so funny?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

Jiwoo took the pen from the note and signed one of the paper accordingly not leaving any blank space.

She got up and threw the documents back to him.

"I've always wanted to get a man like you. But I put up with it for years cos of my son,you choose to make things easy for me.. I appreciate that" She chuckled.

"Really?" Mr. Cooper scoffed and moved closer to her.

"Don't even think of trying anything funny or you want the world to see who the famous CEO is. I honestly don't understand why you would always treat yourself like that,what has my poor baby ever done to you to deserve a worthless dad? You never even cared for him since he was a kid,uou forced him into things he didn't want and he agreed cos he thought you're doing it cos you love him but it's the other way round"

"No matter how famous he get,how talented he was. Do you know how hard it is for him to choose to hide his face from the world? He can't even show his face to his fans cos of you! I hate you!" Jiwoo yelled.

Mr. Cooper chuckled.

"If you think this is over,you're greatly mistaken" He picked the documents and went up to his room.

Jiwoo exhaled loudly,she has been holding her breath as she speak,she won't deny she was afraid of him.

"This is all your fault Jiwoo,your son is suffering because of this mad man and you can't even do anything to stop it. I'm sorry Ricky" She said in tears.



Numerous heads turned as Lily ran into the hospital.

She looked like a madwoman,running as if she was being chased. She was panting and out of breath,and her hair was disarranged but she cared less.

She just got called by Jenner after waking up,and she rushed here immediately.

She ignored the stares of the people around her,all that matters right now is to see Rudy.

Thanks to the lift,she got to his ward pretty fast and ran in,he was still in bed,his eyes closed.

"I thought aunt said you wake up,is this a prank?" She bit her lips,still breathing heavily as a result of how she rushed there.

"How can you be sleeping soundly when you haven't see me? Open your eyes already, I've missed you so much"

Nothing happened,she sat next to his bed placing her heads in her hands.

"Did I just said you miss me?" Rudy voice came up. Lily got up instantly.

"Guess who's not dead?" He winked and Lily literally jumped on him.

"You're really alive,thanks for not leaving me" She said in tears,still hugging him so tight.

"Calm down Lily,you're hurting me" Rudy's voice came out low. He could almost not breath from her hold.

Lily broke the hug.

"I'm sorry... Are you okay?" She asked worriedly.

Rudy nodded with a smile.

"How dare you go into a coma without me?" She added childishly.

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