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"Shouldn't you at least drop the formality since we're the only one here,son...." Mr Cooper smirked

"Son? When have you ever proven yourself to be a father? Huh?" Ricky yelled.

"Does it matter? You and I know you wouldn't be in this position if it weren't for me? You wouldn't rose to fame if I didn't...

"Didn't what? Can you even hear yourself? The reason why I've gotten this far is because of my talents not because of your dirty job!"

"Keep your voice down if you don't want anyone to find out about this. You know what I'm capable of doing... I'll do whatever I want one my own,you don't have to meddle. See you!" Mr Cooper turned and started walking out.

"How about I terminate my contract and sign into another company! Maybe that would make you believe you're not the reason for my success....

Mr Cooper went to him and grabbed his collar.

"Don't you try anything funny if you know what's best for you or you're going to loose your mum earlier than you thought" He gritted his teeth.

Ricky's eyes widened.

Mr Cooper released him and left.

"Don't you dare do anything to mum....."

He couldn't followed him out cos his face was bareless. He went back to pick his mask and ran out but Mr Cooper already disappear.

Ricky clenched his fist and entered his car,driving home immediately.

"Are you blind to notice that jerk is in love with you!"

Lily scoffed as she recalled what Tanya said earlier. She just got back and almost walked in when a loud screech from tyres filled her ear.

She turned and a gasp escape her lips as Ricky stepped out of it.

"Is she dreaming? Or he really come out of that car?" She thought.

"I didn't know you're this...." She was cut short when he suddenly pulled her into a hug.

"Jun hee...." She made to break the hug but he only hugged her more tight.

"One minute" He said and her hands dropped,not hugging him back.

Lily heart rate increased as the hug goes on,she almost forget to breath under his hold,not when she look so tiny around his muscles.

"Did something ha-" She felt a drop of tears on her shoulder and she blinked.

"Is he crying? But why?" She said inwardly.

"Are you okay?" She tried pulling away but he wouldn't release her.

"Don't look... Or I won't he able to face you tomorrow"

Lily went mute.

"Let's just stay like this for 5 more minutes please" Ricky muttered.

"He's in love with you!"

Lily gulped as she recalled what Tanya said earlier.



Linda was humming a happy tune as she scrubbed the dishes in the sink,when suddenly she felt arms wrap around her waist.

A smile lit up her face as she recognized the scent of her Kris's cologne and the warmth of his embrace.

"Kris" she called,spinning around to face him.

"How do you expect me to stay in the living room alone while you're here" He said, pulling her close and planting a kiss on her forehead.

They just had dinner and she insisted on doing the dishes first since she would be busy with work tomorrow.

"Is that really how much you can't stand to be without me?" Linda asked, a playful smile playing on her lips.

"I wouldn't survive a day without you babe. You're the air that I breathe" Kris said,his voice as serious as ever.

Linda laughed,shaking her head in disbelief.

"You are such a hopeless romantic Kris. I'm almost done,you won't let me focus if you're here" She turned back to what she's doing,Kris hugged her from behind.

"Why do I need to do the dishes when I can do that in the future!" Kris grinned.

"Seriously?" Linda chuckled.

She finished doing the dishes and they proceed to the living room. Linda's drama was still showing on the TV, the kiss scene she had with Charles to be precise.

She glance at Kris and immediately grabbed the remote controller.

"Let's just watch another thing!" Linda said and Kris nodded.

She changed the channel and sat between his thighs.

As the romantic movie played out on the screen, the tension between them became palpable.

They both felt the pull towards each other, but neither wanted to be the first to make a move.

Finally,it was too much for Linda to bear, and she
leaned in to kiss him,her heart racing as her lips met his.

Her phone suddenly chimed. She broke the kiss and grabbed it.


It's from her manager.

"Who's that?" Kris asked and Linda showed him the phone.

"I'll only say yes if you want me to" She said.

"I can't stop you from doing what you love for my selfish interest. It's just a shoot anyway" Kris replied.

He made to kiss her again but Linda placed a finger between his lips,topping him.

"I've a wish" She suddenly said.

"What is it?"

She brought her face closer and whispered into his hearing. She immediately reconnect their lips at once. He held her waist and deepened the kiss.

Their lips parted,he looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of hesitation. But all he saw was desire,desire for him and for this moment.

"Are you sure you're ready?" he asked,his voice rough with need.

She nodded,her breath coming in short gasps.

He took her hand and led her to the bedroom,her heart racing as he closed the door behind them.

"Are you sure about this?" he asked one last time.

Linda nodded and he came on top.

"Wait... Don't you have a shoot tomorrow morning?"

"Yes... Why?"

"I've to ask cos you won't be able to walk!" Kris grinned naughtily.

"Let's just sleep for tonight okay?" He said and Linda nodded and closed her eyes.

He kissed her forehead before closing his eyes too.

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