CHAPTER 53: Shot!

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Kris was doing some dancing step from their song cheorography they are gonna perform tonight alone in the room.

He was still missing some steps so he decided to retake them alone.

He was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't notice when Linda came in. She stood at the doorway watching him for minutes before walking up to him.

"Don't you think that's enough for today?" She said and Kris stop moving.

His face brighten but he suddenly remember there's a CCTV camera in the room,he turn off the music and grab her hand pulling her into the restroom with him.

"What are you doing?" Linda asked.

"Do you want to get yourself into trouble?" Kris said breathlessly.

"Cos I came here for my boyfriend." Linda said casually and walk out.

"Babe....." Kris followed her and grab her hand.

"The camera already got us,you dragging me into the restroom will get us into more trouble and what's so wrong with us dating? We can't keep hiding it forever" She held his face and kissed him.

Kris broke it.

"You know,I somewhat envy Ricky's girlfriend" She pouted.


"Cos he's not afraid to introduce her to the world unlike you....

"Babe......." Kris held her waist.

"I understand, it's fine if you still want to keep it a secret. I'll leave if I'm disturbing you" She turned to go but he pulled her back,this time he hugged her.

"I'm not ashamed of you.....

"Then prove it,kiss me" She continue pouting like a kid.

He held his face and slammed his lips against hers.


The arena was packed with fans,all eagerly awaiting the final round of the competition with different bands light sticks.

The members of The mP were backstage, getting ready for their performance. But Kelly, was nowhere to be found.

The band mates searched frantically for him,but he was nowhere to be found.

"We're going to be the next to perform,what should we do if he's still not here" Kris said worriedly.

"Let's keep searching" Trace replied and they resumed their search.

"Trace?" Amelia suddenly appeared with a flower,she walk up to Trace and hug him.

"I don't know you'll come" Trace said with a small smile.

"Of course, I'm a fan now. I wouldn't miss it if it's about you" Amelia said and Trace smile largely.

"Where's Lily?" Ricky interrupted.

"What? Is she not here?!" Amelia faced Ricky with a surprise look on her face.

"What do you mean?"

"She left me cos she wanted to get here earlier, I'm surprised she's not here already" Amelia said.

"Maybe she's out,among the crowd" Trace said.

Ricky nodded and leave the backstage. Cody saw him and went after him.

Kris came immediately.

"We're next, what should we do?" He panicked.


Ricky was pacing around as he search for Lily,he called her several times and even text her but she didn't respond to any which made him more restless.

"Where are you Lily?" He mumbled under his breath. Something keep telling him something isn't right.

A voice came over the PA system,announcing that it was time for The MP to take the stage. He stood in a huddle, trying to figure out what to do.

Just then,his phone buzzed. He looked down and saw a text message from an unknown number.

* If you want to your girlfriend alive,come alone to the address I'm about to text you. You have one hour *

Ricky's heart started racing as he read again,another text with the address came in and he immediately pocket his phone and start leaving when Cody grabbed his hand from the back.

"Everyone is looking for you,where are you heading?" He said and Ricky threw his hand off.

"I have to go,Lily's in trouble...." He said at the verge of tears.

"What? Are you sure about this?" Cody eyes widened.

"I don't know,all I know is I must save her."

"I'm coming with you" Cody said in unison. But Ricky shook his head.

"I have to do this alone,If I don't, he'll hurt Lily. I can't risk it" He said and got into his car and drove off.

"Ricky?" Cody shouted and immediately take his car going after him.

Ricky was so eager to got to the location that he didn't notice Cody's car behind him.

He got to the address in less than ten minutes and practically ran into the only building he found. Cody's car halted in front of the place instantly and he secretly follow him.

"Lily!" Ricky desperately screamed for her name but nothing happened,he entered the building and met darkness.

"Lily! Can you hear me? Where are you? Are you safe? Say something please!" He shouted again.

Cody who was trying to get to where Ricky is suddenly spotted Kelly with a gun in his hand.

He rushed after him and soon lost him,Kelly is really cunny,he must have noticed him.

"Ricky where are you?" He tried Ricky's number countless times but he didn't pick.

He ran almost everywhere and finally find the building. Ricky's loud cries for Lily was what made him go into the building.

Cody ran towards Ricky, trying to warn him about Kelly's intentions.

But as he got closer,he spotted Kelly in the dark,standing by the doorway of the building and aiming a gun at Ricky's head.

"Jun hee,watch out!?!" Cody yelled,trying to warn his friend. But it was too late.

Just as Ricky turned to look, Kelly pulled the trigger,and the sound of gunfire rang out.

Cody had run to cover him,taking the bullet meant for him. He collapsed on his hand and Ricky's eyes widened.

"I'm sorry we didn't get to spend more time together like I'd hoped"

"Stop talking!" Ricky sobbed.

"But I'm glad I was able to stop him. You've got to can't let..... that guy get away with this! You have to save Lily and stay together, no matter what. I'm counting on you, promise me?"

"I can't......"

Cody gave a weak, dry smile as he held Ricky's hand.

"I never told you about my half-sister because she had the same illness I have. She's at my aunt Cindy's place... please look after her for me" He said.

Ricky nodded, tears streaming down his face.

"I was planning to give you a hug on stage after tonight's performance,tell you how much I miss our friendship and forgive you... How could you do this?" Ricky lamented in tears.

"I'm sorry but I don't regret doing this...... Just promise me you'll save Lily and none of you will get hurt, fulfill my last wish please.....

"I promise, but please don't do this to me. Don't leave me again,Leo!" he sobbed uncontrollably.

"Goodbye,Jun Hee.... I love you as much as I do then" were Cody's last words,and his eyes closed.

He stopped breathing instantly.....


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