CHAPTER 31: Second Kiss.

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Rowena was already inside her house packing when Lily arrived.

"Mum... How did you get in?" She asked in surprise. She recall she never gave her her addresses not to talk of a spare key.

"I don't have time to answer that,get your @ss here and help with the packing" Rowena replied.

"Don't tell me you broke my door?" Lily mumbled and checked the door,she really broke it.

"Aargh,mum you're driving me crazy! And why are you even packing my stuff? What's going on?"

"What else? This is the second time this will be happening to you and you didn't even think of telling me if not for Rudy. What if something had happen to you huh?" Rowena nagged.

"I'm fine as you can see mum,you should leave now" Lily grabbed her trying to pull her out but Rowena pushed her off,she landed on her butt.

"Aaagh! That hurt!" She faked a wince and Rowena scoffed.

"There's nothing you can do that will make me change my mind... you're coming with me and that's final!"

Rowena grabbed her luggages and started pushing them out.

"Jeez,mum please listen to me... I'm not a kid okay? I really want to be an independent lady,till when do you plan for me to stay in the same house with you? Huh?" Lily yelled.

"What have I done to deserve a stubborn daughter like you?" Rowena sighed out.

"If this happens again,I promise I'll come back home... Mum please!" Lily pleaded.

"Suit yourself,I'm out of here" Rowena hissed and left angrily.



"Thank you!" Amelia said to the attendant as she walked out of the store. But when she stepped outside,she was greeted by a downpour of rain.

She had been hoping to beat the rain by finishing her shopping early,but it seemed that the weather had other plans.

Now,she is stuck outside,with no way to get home without getting completely soaked.

The rain continued to pour,the water now seeping into her clothes and shoes.

"What do I do?" she muttered,feeling increasingly frustrated and desperate.

She looked around,but there was no place to seek shelter. All the shops were closed, and the only building nearby was a tall office building, which she knew she wouldn't be able to enter.

Suddenly,she saw a man running towards her, carrying an umbrella.

"Hey!" he shouted over the sound of the rain.

As she looked up, Amelia's eyes widened in surprise at who she saw.

It was Trace.

He was wearing a face mask but she still recognize him.

"What are you doing here?" she asked,still in disbelief.

"I just happened to be shopping here at the same time as you,and when I saw you standing there, I thought you might need a hand" Trace said,his voice calm and reassuring.

"Oh!" Amelia mouthed.

He would have offer her a ride but he's definitely not ready to get into another dating scandal with her.

"You can use mine!" Trace smiled and placed it. Before she could even talk,he already ran off.

"I hope he doesn't get sick because of me!" Amelia muttered staring at the umbrella.


Lily kept rolling side by side on her bed unable to sleep. If not because of anything but her door was left open since it's broken. Her eyes darted to the door nervously imagined the worst.

What if the one after her broke in during the night and try to attack her? Just what if?

Earlier,she saw a random guy in black lurking around,she tried to went after him but eventually lost him.

She tried to force herself to sleep but it didn't work. She sat up and entered the leaving room.

The rain was still pouring,it doesn't look like it will stop soon. The more she stared at the door,the more chilled she got.

"I hope he doesn't get a bad idea about this!" She sighed and walk out going straight to Ricky's apartment. She gently placed a knock on the door.

He didn't open up at first,she was about turning back when the door opened. Ricky eyes widened when he saw her.

"Can you help wi...

He pulled her in and closed the door.

"What are you doing out there?" He asked closing the door.

"You see.. my door is broken,my crazy mum broke into my house earlier today" Lily explained.

"I know,I saw your mum while she's at it" Ricky cut in.

"What? Why didn't you stop her?" Lily snapped.

"That would have gotten you into more trouble...."

"You're right" She nodded. A long silence followed. They only stared at each other.

"Can I spend the night here? I'll sleep on the couch,don't worry about me!" She said at once.

"But why?"

"I'm scared to sleep with the door that way... What if someone broke in in the middle of the night?"

"Is that why you come here all soaked and wet?" Ricky chuckled.

"I shouldn't have...." She stood up but he grabbed her hand and pull her back to seat.


"You just said you're scared. How do you expect me to let you go?" He said and stood up,

Lily shivered as she looked down at her soaked shirt,which clung tightly to her body,revealing the outline of her breasts.

She tried to pull the wet fabric away from her skin,but it stubbornly stuck to her,refusing to budge.

Ricky come back with a glass of warm water and placed it before her.

"Thank you!" She said and drank from it,she then drop the rest on the table.

"So are you done thinking? You said you'll give me a reply today" Ricky said.

Lily nodded turn away from him shyly.

"So... can I kiss you?"

She closed her eyes and nodded,a silent consent.

"I'll take that as a yes!" He draw her closer and Lily blinked.

He kissed her, gently at first,but it's quickly grew more urgent and demanding,his lips claiming hers with a fierce passion.

Lily wrapped her arms around him,pulling him closer as she surrendered to his kiss.

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