Ch. 5. Became a Werewolf

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Eric (POV)

It all started when I tried to save two baby wolves from a car accident. Unfortunately, my legs got injured and I couldn't walk anymore. Then, something strange happened. There was a creature by my hospital bed that scared me a lot. Before I could scream, it knocked me out.

When I woke up, I felt different. My body didn't hurt anymore, and I felt super strong and full of energy. It was like finding an oasis in the desert.

Soon after, a man in a long black coat and a serious face came to see me. He said, "Welcome to our world."

It turns out the babies I tried to save were his nephews. He explained that he was with them at the store, but they were being playful and he lost sight of them.

Somehow, I ended up taking the blame for him. Since I could walk and run again, I decided to follow the path he showed me after I started to know the fatal beauty nature of this wonderland. It became a big part of my life.

Out of all the werewolves, my favorite person to talk to and hang out with is Dorian. He's a bit younger than me, but he treats me like we're the same age.

But there's a problem. Dorian has a girlfriend who is also a werewolf, and she sees me as a bother whenever I'm around him.

And then there's Damian. I think Damian doesn't like me because Alpha Xavier told him to act like me in front of his friends and girlfriend during a speech two years ago.

There, Damian gave me uncomfortable looks with his intense red eyes and showed his Alpha power. That's when I knew things weren't going well for me.

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