Ch. 23. Girlfriend?

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Eric (POV):

The next day, after attending the usual pack meeting, I had planned to meet the vampire boy.

There were many things I wanted to ask him, especially after Dorian showed me the curious death bodies of giants at noon. This vampire boy I encountered was no ordinary vampire; in short, he was an enigma.

Additionally, I needed to ensure that he wasn't manipulating me in any way. For some reason, I was in a hurry to see him again.

As I left my place to reach my car, I noticed Dorian waiting for me, accompanied by Lily.

Eric: "Dorian! What brings you here?"

Dorian: "Let's go outside. I'll buy you drinks," he smiled and replied.

Eric: "Hmm... Can't we do that tomorrow? I have some personal matters to attend to."

Dorian and Lily appeared confused by my response.

Dorian: "What personal matters? As far as I know, you don't have anything scheduled for today."

Eric: "Well... I'm meeting a friend."

Dorian: "Then get in the car. We can go together, you can meet your friend, and afterwards, we'll grab drinks."

Eric: "Hmm... I need to go there alone."

This time, Lily looked puzzled by my answer, and she suddenly asked me.

Lily: "Are you going to meet a girl?"

Eric: ".............what? No, I... ummm..."

My thought: ***I can't tell the truth. What if I say I'm going to meet a kid?*** Before I could think of an appropriate response, Lily interrupted my thoughts.

Lily: "OMG... look! How nervous he is... I can even sense it. Do you like her? Is she your girlfriend?"

This confused Dorian, and he asked me: "What!?... Really, Eric?"

Eric: "...............No !.. that's not like that..."

Lily: "Bingo! It's his crush."

My thought: ***What??? How did it end up like this?***

Dorian appeared perplexed and looked at me.

Dorian: "????"

Well, anyway, it's a safer reason because I'll need to go there on other days as well, so I simply nodded.

Lily: "I knew it! See, Dorian?" She happily jumped, though I wasn't sure why she was so delighted about it...

Dorian: ".....Well... if that's the case... let's drink together next time..."

He got into the car, and so did Lily. He started the engine and Lily waved at me.

Lily: "Good luck with that!!!" she shouted.

And they left. I sighed and stood there for a moment, wondering why things had turned in that way. Then, I got into my car and headed towards my destination to meet that boy, Bloody.

Eric (POV)

I arrived at his house and rang the doorbell, but there was no response. I knocked on the door three or four times and waited for a while.

Since there was no answer, I decided to go inside to see if he was there. I walked into the house and called out his name, hoping for a response. "Hello!! .......Bloody??? Are you there? I'm coming in," I said aloud.

I checked the living room and bedroom, but there was no sign of him. I went to the kitchen next, but he wasn't there either.

I decided to try the bathroom. When I opened the door, I saw a boy collapse on the floor. I was surprised and confused. Who is that??

I approached him and noticed that his wavy black hair was covering his face. I tried to move the hair aside to see his face clearly.

To my surprise, he was the same boy I had met yesterday and had seen on the notice board. However, he seemed to have aged like he is in his 18 or 19.

I realized that he was shirtless, with only a loosely wrapped towel around his waist. I carefully lifted him up.

He felt very light, matching his pale skin. Suddenly, the towel loosened and fell off.

I was startled by the situation and closed my eyes, respecting his privacy.

I slowly knelt down, still holding him, and picked up the towel. I closed my eyes again as I put the towel back around his private area. It felt like a small act, yet it carried a weight of responsibility.

I carried him to the bed and gently laid him down. I sat down beside the bed and watched over him, hoping he would regain consciousness soon but instead of suddenly, my consciousness went blank.

🖤Author Note: Vote it for me Please🖤

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