Ch. 7. Emotions

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Dorian (POV)

Today is the day Eric will embark on the mission. I can't shake this feeling of unease. Something doesn't feel right. Although Eric insisted on going alone, I feel compelled to ensure his safety.

I picked up the phone and called Blaze.

Dorian: "Blaze."

Blaze: "Yes, Beta, how can I assist you?"

Dorian: "Is Eric still there?"

Blaze: "He left for the mission."

Dorian: "You didn't accompany him? He needs your help. Remember, he is your team leader. If he called upon you to join the fight, you shouldn't refuse. But he didn't..."

Blaze: "Hold on, Beta. Please don't be angry. I informed him that Nik and I wanted to go with him. However, he insisted that we only needed to handle some hunters while he takes care of the majority. He had a plan."

Dorian: "What plan? What does he mean by stalling them?"

Blaze: "He intends to distract half of the hunters and then escape. Once they're chasing after him, we are supposed to eliminate some of the hunters from behind."

Dorian: "But that means he'll be completely alone with the other half!"

In my thoughts, I couldn't help but think, **Damn it, Eric! Are you serious? Running without tapping into your inner wolf is different... It might be slower, but yeah, he could stall the hunters. What if he planned to trap them, but it turns out they trap him instead?**

Dorian: "Alright, let's stick to the plan. Go after him once you've dealt with the hunters from behind. I'll join you."

I went to my brother's office, Damian.

"Damian, please allow my Team 1 to assist Eric on his mission."

Alpha Damian: "Why are you only concerned with helping him? There's also a mission for Team 5 that requires your support. They need to meet with the vampires for future peace. It's more important than simply aiding in the elimination of a few hunters."

Dorian: "Command the other leaders to handle the vampire meeting. There are plenty of competent teams available."

Alpha Damian: "Dorian! Others may leave my office. I want to speak with you alone."

Selena, who is the Luna (I'm unsure if she's his true mate or not, as my brother hasn't shared his romantic life with me), gives me a look that suggests annoyance.

Alpha Damian: "Dorian, I am the Alpha here. You shouldn't speak to me like that in front of the other leaders. Don't let your personal emotions interfere with your pack duties."

Dorian: "Then don't assign difficult missions to my friend. There are many teams that excel in combat. You did this intentionally. I know you've never liked him being here. You can't just kick him out because of our father, and you don't want to create a negative impression among other pack members."

"And what you don't realize is that we all know about your jealousy towards him. It's a shameful matter. So, as a responsible Beta and as your brother, I will go and help my friend Eric. That way, you won't only be seen as the Alpha who eliminated his rival using his Alpha powers. Eric is just a transformed one; he has no more power than you do."

Suddenly, Alpha Damian banged his table and grabbed my throat with his claws. His eyes revealed his Alpha dominance. I stared right back at him, my eyes glowing yellow. Damn it, why am I still a Beta?

He released his grip on me and exhaled heavily.

I remained silent and left his office.

Outside the office, I saw my girlfriend Lily waiting for me. She appeared worried, but I wasn't entirely sure.

"Hey, Lily, what brings you here?"

She pecked me on the cheek and asked, "Are you trying to defy Alpha Damian?"

I simply looked at her, unable to provide an answer. I knew she wouldn't approve of my idea to assist Eric either. There was an underlying conflict between Eric and Lily. So, I asked her, "Would you like to join me in tonight's mission? My team needs to confront some hunters."

She seemed hesitant, torn between refusing to help Eric and wanting to assist me. Her expression revealed her confusion.

So, I said, "Hmm, just stay here. I'll be right back after the mission." I smiled, kissed her, and left.

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