Ch. 44. Be My PA?

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William's POV:

It's been almost two months since I arrived here. From last month, I started working as a library guard to stay in the pack. While organizing books on the shelves, I can't help but let my thoughts wander.

There's a rumor going around about an argument between Alpha Damian and Luna regarding Eric. Apparently, Luna was knocked unconscious by Eric and couldn't get up for two weeks.

She wanted Alpha to fight Eric, unable to accept the outcome of their battle. Luna also wanted to demonstrate Eric's strength to Alpha.

However, Alpha Xavier refused his son to engage in the fight, considering Eric as just a leader under Alpha. I believe Alpha Xavier might have been aware of Eric's power and wanted to protect his son, who is now the Alpha, from losing to Eric?

Or perhaps he simply wanted to shield Eric from unnecessary fights. Regardless, it's reassuring to know that there are people who want to protect Eric, including the beta boy, Alpha Xavier, myself, and Lily.

Lily is determined to keep Eric out of trouble because she knows that if he's in trouble, her beloved beta boy would be affected as well.

At times, I can't help but feel envious of the unbreakable friendship between Eric and Dorian. I'm certain that Eric would risk his life for Dorian, just as the beta boy would.

Lily sometimes reminds me of my sister. She cares for me without knowing my true identity. I often wonder how my sister would have acted if she had a crush on someone. Would she be like Lily?

If so, I wouldn't be fond of the man she had a crush on. I'd be jealous because she would divert her care and attention to someone other than me.

Unfortunately, I never had the chance to experience that. My sister sacrificed her life for me. As for my parents, I'm still in the dark about their whereabouts.

Moreover, I need to have a conversation with Eric about Ace. While working at the library, I've taken the time to read books that I believe will be beneficial for both Ace and me.

I wonder how Eric will react when he learns about Ace. What truly weighs on my mind is how he will respond to the revelation that I am Ace's mate.

Technically, since Ace is his inner wolf and I am Ace's mate, we share a connection. However, there is a complication.

Eric is unaware of everything that happens when Ace is in control, while Ace is fully aware of Eric's actions. I hope Eric won't be angered by the fact that Ace utilized his body to communicate with me, assist me, and express love towards me.

To be honest, Ace is Eric's savior. Without Ace who healed his body every time he was in danger, Eric might not have survived. There's no reason for him to harbor any animosity towards Ace, right? Yes, it's time to discuss about Ace with Eric, but first, I need Ace's permission. I will inquire whether it's a wise idea or not....then I heard footsteps.

Alpha Damian: "Ahem..."

My thought: **Why is he here? It's been a while since he last came to the library.....Right! I remembered what Eric reminded me. He doesn't care much about me flirting with girls to get soul energy, but he hated me for acting that way with this Alpha. Eric's hard to understand, but he's trying his best to understand me.**

Alpha Damian: "Why are you staring at me without saying anything?" He interrupted my thoughts.

William: "Oh, right. Why are you still here?" I showed annoyance at his presence.

Alpha Damian: "You little..."

I sensed anger from him. I wonder why he always pays attention to me whenever I pass by him in the pack. It makes me worried and uneasy.

MY SAVIORSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora