Ch. 35. Cruelty of You

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Dorian (POV):

I agreed to train and watch William before introducing him to my brother and father. I didn't like the way Eric looked at the boy, caring for him more than he cared for me.

Eric kept him as a secret from the pack and everyone else, which made me doubt their relationship. Despite his cold demeanor, I couldn't deny that William was attractive. Even Lily, Nik, and Blaze seemed friendly with William.

I wondered how much Eric truly cared for him, considering the risks involved if their secret was discovered. I knew Eric well enough to know that he wouldn't take such risks for someone unimportant.

William seemed to understand Eric in ways that puzzled me. Their interactions made me feel like I couldn't solve the puzzle between them. After finding William, Eric asked me to allow him to stay in his building. I wasn't fond of the idea, but it was Eric who requested it.

My doubts were not unfounded because when they arrived at Eric's building, he showed William a room right next to his own. Lily made a lighthearted comment, saying that seeing me now reminded her of her past self when she knew about me and Eric's relationship. It made me more uncomfortable to look at them together So, whenever I had the chance, I tried to stay close to Eric, and he was aware of it.

I became angry and had to calm myself down when Nik and Blaze mentioned that Eric had taken William to the waterfall for a swim. I went to check on them from a distance and saw William standing fearlessly at the edge of the cliff, seemingly enjoying the view. I was amazed that he wasn't afraid of heights.

Eric was watching him with a smile, a sight I had never seen directed at me. Eric seemed genuinely happy about what he was doing for William. I felt like I was losing Eric to William and that I was a third wheel in their relationship.

I tried to spend more time with Eric, and although he didn't refuse, I could tell he wanted to give his time to William. So, I asked Nik to teach William some rules, which diverted Eric's attention from the boy. It was a good idea.

I suggested Eric to sleep at my place, but he declined, saying we should act like leaders and maintain the appearance of our old friendship, even if some people knew about our relationship.

I could see that he wasn't ready to fully accept me as his lover. He had never said he loved me, only that he liked me a lot. I needed to find a way to solve this problem.

Perhaps I should ask him to let me mark him as my mate, or ask him to mark me. It seemed like the best solution, as I feared something would happen between Eric and William if things continued this way. I was not ready to lose Eric, and I couldn't lose him to that human boy.

Early in the morning, I went to Eric's place and asked him to go for a walk. I knew Nik and Blaze were not there, only William and Eric. I saw Eric came out of the building.

Eric: "Dorian, isn't it too early for a walk?"

Dorian: "Eric, let's make mating marks."

Eric: "Huh?"

Dorian: "Let's do it. I'm willing to accept your mark. Will you accept mine?"

Eric looked up at the building where William's room was. It seemed like he didn't want William to hear our conversation, so he couldn't answer here.

Eric: "Let's go for a walk."

So, we walked for a while. We didn't speak; we just walked a long way. I could see that Eric was lost in his thoughts. He walked ahead of me, and I followed from behind. Then he stopped, turned around, and faced me.

Eric: "I still don't want to think about it."

Dorian: "Why? Don't you like me?"

Eric: "I do! I really do."

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