Ch. 33. I am William (Bloody)

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Eric (POV):

Dorian and I are dating now, which is something I never imagined. However, he still keeps asking about my imaginary girlfriend. I think he is jealous. If I were in his place, I would feel the same.

He asked me to promise that I wouldn't have sex with anyone except him, but I didn't give him that promise because I want to tease him.

It's the beginning of my love life with my best friend, and it's only been one day. I want to enjoy his jealousy more in the future. It's kind of cute.

But I still have to fulfill my deal. When I entered the house to give the file to the vampire boy, Bloody was sitting in the living room.

He stood up quickly and looked at me with his intense red eyes. Then I lost consciousness.....Damn...again?

When I woke up, I was sleeping on the couch with Bloody sitting beside me.

Eric: "What happened to me again? I remember you did something to me with your eyes."

Bloody: "Yeah, I just checked if you betrayed me or not because I was chased by vampires yesterday."

Eric: "What? They already knew about you?"

Bloody: "Yes, even though they can't sense my presence. They have eyes like you. It's not a good idea for me to live among humans anymore. Now, I am being watched over by the vampires"

Eric: "So... where will you go?" I asked him.

But then suddenly, we both sensed the presence of two werewolves approaching in our direction and I knew who they were.

Eric: "Bloody, go hide. Get out of here!" I shouted.

Bloody: "Wait! Eric... before you go... I want to ask you one last thing about our deal."

Eric: "What... it's not the time for th__"

Bloody: "Bite and mark me!"

Eric: "Huh!!?"

Bloody: "Not as your mating mark, just a bite mark to have your presence on me. I will explain it later.

Tell bit me because you wanted to save me when you found me nearly dead in the street.

Tell thought you could change me into a werewolf."

Eric: "...........................??"


3 hours ago....

Dorian (POV):

I saw Eric leave the pack house early after work to meet his girlfriend without thinking I would find out.

Dealing with Eric, my new boyfriend, is not easy. I already regret knowing that he will eventually hurt my feelings.

He never promised to love only me. I can't shake off the worry of who he is really attracted to.

So, I decided to put a GPS tracker on his car to find out what he's up to. Before I could leave, Lily ran towards my car.

Dorian: "What are you doing here?"

Lily: "You're planning to track Eric's car, right?" She looked at me as if she knew exactly what I had in mind.

Dorian: "Stay here!"

Lily: "Oh, come on, Dorian. It's not fair if you're going to see his girlfriend alone. Even though we're no longer in a relationship, I'm still your childhood friend. Remember?" She forced a smile.

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