Ch. 10. Plan Goes Wrong

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Dorian's Point of View (POV):

After my encounter with the vampires, I return to the pack house to relay the details I gathered.

As it grows late, my Team 1 is going to support Team 16.

Suddenly, I receive a call from Blaze.

Blaze: "Beta, we have a problem here. Eric mentioned that the hunters have arrived, and he intends to commence his mission."

Dorian: "What!? It's only 6PM. Eric mentioned they typically operate during the night. Tsk. Alright, I'm on my way. Assist him according to his plan."

We are still in the car. I've selected ten skilled werewolves for combat and assigned my assistant from Team 1 to provide backup.

Five minutes later, Blaze calls again.

Blaze: "It's beginning, and we're underway." He ends the call.

Dorian Commands: "We will reach our destination in three minutes. Everyone, ensure you are prepared."

Team 1: "Yes, Beta!!!"

Dorian thinks, **I hope you're alright, my friend...**


Eric's Point of View (POV):

Damn...why are the hunters here so early? Okay, let's wait until half of them start searching. After a while, half of them move from their positions, and I begin targeting the hunters I can see through the bushes. Thank God they can't smell like us.

I manage to headshot one hunter, and they start looking for me. I encourage myself, **Hurry up... Hurry up...**

At that moment, I recall Dorian's words echoing in my ears, """"At least three""""

They move quickly and take cover, making it difficult for me to land headshots, so I shoot randomly, hoping to injure two more. Well, here they come. I take a deep breath, transforming into a werewolf as I run and hide.

Suddenly, I hear one of the hunters yelling to call "K06." What is that? Whatever it is, I'll finish them as quickly as possible and return to my pack house.

I take down another hunter, but then I receive a heavy punch to my stomach. Who is this guy? He's strong, with bulky muscles and a powerful physique.

I continue fighting him, realizing he's skilled at punching while I'm on the move, dodging, hiding, and slashing.

Then, to my surprise, three more creatures like him appear, heading in my direction.

While I'm busy dealing with them, I suddenly sense that some hunters are shooting at me. I try to escape but end up getting shot in my arms, right leg, and abdomen. healing ability isn't working. Thankfully, my body is still that of a werewolf; otherwise, I'd be dead meat by now.

Alright...if I can't kill them, I can at least run for my life. So I started running. I thought they couldn't run as fast as me, but another surprise awaits. They can run just as fast.

I try calling out to my inner wolf, ***Hello! Hello oOoOO!!! If you're not out now, you'll never come out. Now or Never! Come on.............***

I one there in my mind...not even a hint of my inner puppy or wolf.

It's at that moment I feel the overwhelming urge to **run for my life**.

I wonder, **Do they have wings? Can they fly, too?** Hopefully, they haven't been modified to have wings.

I run for about two miles, and my injuries start to take their toll on me.

I finally realized why the creatures were running alongside me, never letting me escape their sight. They were running on both sides, trapping me.

I blame myself for not running into the town, where I could have transformed into a human and hidden among them. Now I'm caught in their trap.

I keep running, but my injuries are becoming unbearable. I push myself to go faster, desperately trying to escape their sight. Eventually, I found a cave nearby and hid inside. hurts. I apply pressure to my injuries to stop the bleeding. Then I realized that my wolf form had disappeared.

How wonderful...a naked, injured person in a cave. It's dark outside, but I can still see my surroundings.

I hear the sound of running footsteps, and they stop. The steps are getting closer and closer. It's been about two hours since I started running.

I sat down as I was very exhausted .Then suddenly I hear screams and a rapid running sound, like the wind... I no longer hear the creatures' footsteps.

I slowly emerge from the cave and try to walk. My leg doesn't seem to agree with my mind, and I collapse to the ground. I guess I'm dying...I can't move at all.

Then, suddenly, my eyes catch a rustle from a dark bush nearby...another creature? It has red's a boy.....

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