Ch. 16. Awkward

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Eric (POV)

I woke up with a jolt and opened my eyes. I found myself in a comfortable bed, but I was unsure of my surroundings.

The daylight streamed through the nearby window, indicating that it was almost noon.

After getting out of bed, I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen and instinctively held it.

It seemed that someone had bandaged my abdomen, which was healing at a very slow rate. I was wearing long, comfortable pants.

As I opened the door and entered the front room, I realized that it was empty. I urgently needed to use the bathroom, so I hurriedly searched for it.

When I entered the kitchen, I was taken aback. I took a deep breath to compose myself.

There was a boy sitting at the table, in the midst of eating a meal. He paused and looked at me, and we locked eyes for a brief moment.

I wanted to start a conversation, but my primary focus was finding the bathroom.

Boy: "You are awak___"

I located the bathroom and quickly went inside.

Boy: "..................."

While I relieved myself, I heard no sound coming from where the boy was seated. When I finished, I heard the sound of him setting down his fork on his plate.

I washed my hands and looked at myself in the mirror. Upon inspection, I noticed two bite marks on my neck.

The mark on the right side was from Alpha Xavier, while the newer and smaller mark on the left side seemed to be from a vampire, judging by the deep fangs.

I concluded that the boy was a vampire. I left the bathroom, and once again, he was looking at me. This time, I decided to take the initiative and ask him.

Eric: "What are you?"

He raised his eyebrows, appearing curious.

After a couple of seconds...

Boy: "I saved your life."

My thoughts: ***He was the one with red eyes. Although my memory of that night was hazy due to the pain, I was certain he was the one who bit me and said something I can't recall.

Moreover, I couldn't sense his presence at all. This boy was more complex than he appeared, and I needed to choose my words carefully.

Furthermore, if I'm not mistaken, he was the one who made the creatures stop.***

Eric: "Thank you."

Boy: "Would you like some food?"

My thoughts: ***He mentioned saving me, so I should accept his offer, especially since I'm also hungry. I wonder if this boy can cook on his own?***

Eric: "Sure."

I sat face to face with him at the table while he stood up and prepared a meal. After three minutes, he placed a plate in front of me.

Boy: "Dig in."

As I tried to eat, I also attempted to engage him in conversation. However, he seemed engrossed in reading a book.

Eric: "So... What is your name?"

The boy stopped reading and looked at me intently, as if searching for something within me.

Boy: "Your name first."

Eric: "I'm Eric, a transformed werewolf from Xavier's pack."

After my response, he nodded as if he had found the answer he sought.

Boy: "Your age?"

Eric: "20."

Boy: "Do you have a family? A mate or wife? Any children?"

Eric: "I'm single. My only family member is my grandmother, who lives in another town."

Boy: "Oh... I see."

My thoughts: ***What on earth? Why is he asking me these strange questions?***

Eric: "Now, can you tell me who you are?"

He pondered for a moment before answering.

Boy: "I am a vampire."

My thoughts: ***As if I didn't already know that! He had fangs when he bit me, not to mention the vampire rings he wore-two of them. Why is he still avoiding giving his name?***

Suddenly, he changed the subject.

Boy: "Do you know Ace?"

Eric: "No... Why do you ask?"

I continued to ask questions because simply answering yes or no wouldn't provide me with any information about him.

Boy: "Where is your inner wolf?"

I looked at him, puzzled as to why he was inquiring about my inner wolf. I needed to answer cautiously.

Eric: "I don't have one."

Boy: "I see. Wash the dishes."

Eric: "......................................O..kayy..."

After that, he stood up and went to the living room. I cleaned the dishes and followed him.

Eric: "Thank you for saving me. I need to return to my pack."

The boy looked at me with annoyance in his expression.

Boy: "No, you can't."

Eric: "..............."

My thoughts: ***What!? Why can't I? Is there some danger? Did he just threaten me?***

Eric: "Then give me your phone so I can contact my pack."

Boy: "I don't have one...."

Eric: "......................."

My thoughts:***Fk..Seriously!?***

The situation was awkward, and I felt uneasy talking to him. Then, he revealed his red eyes, and those eyes... they caught my attention and made me feel curious and a bit nervous.

Boy: "We have some conditions to discuss."

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