Ch. 58. A Vampire Named Alysia

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Eric (POV)

I met up with Randy at a club three days later, as we had planned. I also brought William with me. William hasn't had any soul energy for a while, and I forgot to give him blood. But he still didn't call out Ace, even when I asked him to yesterday. I didn't really want to come here, but I had to.

When I got to the club, I was shocked to see that Randy had come with a vampire girl by his side. Randy talked to the vampire girl and pointed out two other vampires to her. Then he walked over to me.

Eric: "Wait, that girl's a vampire??"

Randy: "Yeah man, I met her at the entrance. I knew her when I was in a mission. She's here to hang out with her vampire friends too."

Eric: "I see...", I replied him by raising my eyebrow.

Randy: "So where's Dorian? I thought you guys were coming together."

Eric: "I, uh, didn't actually call him", I responded him hesitantly.

Randy: "How come? I thought you two were ____", he looked puzzled but stopped when he noticed William.

Eric: "What?, I can't hang out with William just because Dorian's not here? You got a problem with that or something?", I told him defensively.

Randy: "Whoa, no need to get all worked up! I just thought, you know, you and Dorian were___ ummm______", he replied by putting his hands up and then started to make a vague hand gesture.

Eric: "Shut up, will you? You're making me feel like some kind of player or something", I cut him off.

I had already told Randy about Dorian being my mate. But I haven't told him about William being the mate of my inner wolf as well - that's a secret I'm keeping. I also haven't mentioned my inner wolf abilities to Randy as I still didn't know exactly what Ace really could do as a lord.

I asked Dorian to keep the details about my relationship with him, William and my inner wolf's power under wraps. I don't want to share that information widely, since I'm not sure how others might react. It could open us up to more problems than benefits.

So for now, Randy only knows about Dorian and I being mates. The deeper secrets about William and my wolf side are just between me, Dorian, and William.

William: "Hey Eric, I'm gonna go hit the dance floor, 'kay?", he walked up to me and told me.

Eric: "Alright, be careful out there", I nodded to William and glanced over at Randy and the vampire girl.

I watched William go and returned to Randy, who was busy with the vampire girl he came along with. Looked like she was alone now talking to Randy as she didn't join the other two vampires.

My thought: ***Nice, this might be a chance for me to ask and get information about their clan***

Eric: "Hey," I called Randy by waving my hand.

Randy: "Oh! Come, Eric, I want to introduce you to a friend," he called me.

Eric: "Okay?" I approached them.

Randy: "Eric, this is Alysia, and Alysia, this is my best friend, Eric," I was surprised about Randy's introduction about me being his best friend.

Eric: "Hello! Alysia, nice to meet you," I gave my hand to her to shake and gave her a smile.

Alysia: "Hello, nice to meet you too," she smiled back.

Randy: "Okay, looks like I can get some drinks for you guys," he went to the nearby counter bar.

Eric: "So, Alysia, you are a vampire, right? If I'm not wrong. Or am I?"

Alysia: "Yes, I am," she smiled.

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