Part 3

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Gracie's POV

We walk up the steps of our neighbor's house.

"Why am I so nervous?" I say.

"Yeah, you're shaking, haha, calm down, they can't hate you for bringing a pie." Julie says pointing to my shaking hands.

I gulp. "M-Maybe it's just the weather that's making me sweat."

"Ok, now go!" Julie pushes me to the door.

"What? You're not coming with me? You said you were coming!" I quietly growl at her.

She nervously laughs and knocks on the door and hides somewhere.

"What? You, what are you doing, you need to-"


I freeze and slowly turn around. I see a really cute guy. I turn back to Julie and silently cry.

"Yes? Is there anything?" The cute guy asks.

I turn around and straighten my posture. "Y-Yes, well no, um, hello! I am your neighbor, I live next door and I want to give you this fresh pie that I made."

I leave out the part about the interview.

The cute guy smiles brightly at me causing my heart to melt.

"Thank you, uh, what's your name?"

"G-Gracie, and this is my best friend, Julie. We live together." I mentally slap myself at how weird that sounded.

"Oh, nice to meet you! My name is Tao, I live here with my best friend, Yixing or, you can call him Lay. Come in, let's get to know each other!" Tao kindly invites us in. He moves over and guides us through the door.

I bow to him as I enter. Julie follows behind.

They're house is so clean and it smells nice too. I am pretty surprised, these boys are really clean.

"Wow! You're house looks really nice!" I complement. I sit down on their couch and Julie sits next to me.

"Thank you, we just cleaned it." Tao responds while putting the pie in their kitchen, I think.

"Julie, what is with you? You're always giving me advice on guys, why are you like this?" I whisper to Julie.

"I learn from dramas, ok! I have never experienced all this!" She wipes sweat off her forehead.

"Step your game up. Be more confident." I whisper to her quickly before Tao comes back.

"Well, let me introduce you to Lay. LAY, COME DOWN, WE HAVE GUESTS!" Tao calls.

We hear foot steps. There is another cute boy living here? What is this?

"Hey, Yixing, this is Gracie and Julie, they live next door. They came over and gave us a pie, isn't that sweet." Tao introduces us.

Yixing smiles and waves at us. I smile and wave back. Julie stays frozen.

"Come sit down with us." Tao invites him.

Lay's POV

When I come down the stairs, I set eyes on the prettiest girl I have ever seen.

"Hey, Yixing, this is Gracie and Julie, they live next door. They came over and gave us a pie, isn't that sweet." Tao introduces them.

I smile and wave and she does the same back.

"Come sit down with us." Tao invites. I sit down next to Tao.

I lean over to Tao and whisper to him. "Chanyeol and Baekhyun are coming over."

"What? Right now?" Tao sounds surprised.

Someone knocks on the door and calls our names.

"What? They're here already?" Tao sighs.

"If you want, we could go?" Gracie politely asks.

Tao quickly answers. "No, please stay! Our friends are nice, they would love to meet you!"

I get up and open the door. "Hey, guys, be polite, ok? We have our neighbors over."

Chanyeol looks at Baekhyun with a confused look. "Ok..."

I point to Gracie and Julie. "That's them, they live next door."

Chanyeol's mouth opens and Baekhyun's eyes widen.

"Wow, your neighbors look...." Baekhyun doesn't finish his sentence, he just walks over to Tao. Chanyeol follows him.

I shake my head and join them.

"So, please introduce yourselves." Baekhyun asks looking only at Gracie, making me roll my eyes.

"Uh, well, I love cooking. I used to be a caterer." She answers shyly.

I give Tao and look and he returns one. I lean to him and whisper, "Didn't my mom say something about maid being a caterer and also loved to cook?"

Tai nods his head and turns back to Gracie.

"And Julie?" Chanyeol continues.

Tao nudges Chanyeol. "You two need to introduce yourselves too." He whispers.

Julie stays quiet for a while. "I-I love animals. I w-work as a zookeeper."

"Oh, that's awesome! I love animals too, but I don't have a pet." Tao exclaims.

Julie smiles and turns away with red cheeks.

I notice Baekhyun's and Chanyeol's eyes haven't left Gracie. I get mad in the inside, but I don't know why.

My Neighbor? || LAYDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora