Part 24

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Gracie's POV

I walk out of my room, fully dressed.

"Gracie, are you finished? Come in here." Lay calls to me.

"Ok." I open the door to Lay's room. "Do you need anythin-"

Lay was standing in the middle of the room with a white shirt on and jeans. His hair was all messy and his window was open so the sunshine coming through made him look like an angel. Oh my gosh.

"" My mouth opens.

"What?" Lay asks. He walks over and takes my hands. He leans down and rests his forehead on mine.

"You look nice." I smile and look down. "You look very handsome."

He chuckles and kisses my forehead. "Thank you."

I smile. "Your breakfast is downstairs. Go and eat."

"But I don't want to leave you." Lay pouts.

I look up at him. "You need to eat, angel."

Lay smile big. "Angel? That's adorable. How did you come up with that?"

"You look like an angel." I smile back at him.

"Oh, I see." Lay intertwines his fingers with mine.

"Yixing, you got to eat. I also have to do laundry." I say.

"But this is too precious. Can't that wait?"

"Your food will get cold and we have all weekend for each other. I know you can wait. Your friends are downstairs waiting." I kiss him before letting go of his hands.

Lay pouts. "Fine, but only because you said we got ALL weekend."

I laugh. I kiss him again.

"If you need help, just call me." Lay says. He runs downstairs.

I grab the laundry basket in Lay's closet and bring it downstairs.

"Yo! Gracie, good morning." Chanyeol and Sehun greet me. "Thanks for feeding us our friend!"

I tilt my head. "Huh?"

"Oh, it's just this one nickname we call our friend." Kai explains while eating.

I nod. "I see. Eat well, if you need anything, just tell me."

They all nod and thank me.

"Oh, uh, w-where's the laundry room?" I ask. I turn to Lay and he kisses my lips. I blush.

"Walk down there and turn left." Lay smiles and points.

I laugh. "Ok, thank you."

I follow Lay's directions and open a door to a room with a washing machine and drying machine. There were baskets piled in the corner with drying racks lined against the right wall. The room was really big compared to the one at my home.

"Wow!" I walk to the washing machine and stare at it. "Geez..."

"Need some help?" I turn around and see Lay standing against the doorframe. He was staring right at me and I can't help but blush madly.

"Lay, go eat. Breakfast is important." I put the basket down. "I have a job to do.

"It's a bit hot. I have to wait for it to cool." He replies.

I don't turn around to him. "It's better when it's warm."

"But it's hot today..."


"Let me help you. These could be very complicated." Lay walks over to my side and smiles at me.

"Ok, fine. Just tell me how to work it." I order.

"Sure thing."

"Promise me you'll go eat after."

"Promise." He leans down and kisses me.

I kiss back, but lean out before anything gets passionate.

I walk out of the room with the clothes washing.

"Hey! Gracie, you didn't say good morning to us yet!" Sehun waves to me when I enter the living room.

I smile and wave at them. "Good morning. Is everyone ok?"

"Of course we're fine. You treat us like little kids." Kai laughs.

I hold my hands together. "Just making sure. If you need anything, I'll be upstairs."

"Wait!" Chanyeol calls me.

I turn around. "Yes?"

He holds out his arms. "Hug! We're friends right?"

I laugh. "Of course."

He wraps his arms around me tightly.

"Awh, that's sweet." Baekhyun says. He joins the hug. He squeezes us tight causing Chanyeol to scream.

"That's a little t-tight, Baekhyun." I say.

"Hey, I don't want to get left out." Sehun says and joins the hug too.

Soon, I was covered completely with 6 guys. This I didn't see coming.

"Keep your hands to yourselves!" I yell out.

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