Part 11

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Gracie's POV

We arrive at the restaurant. I nudge Julie's arm softly. "This place is nice."

She nods her head. "It is, this is so exciting!"

Yixing tightens his grip on my hand, suddenly. My heart skips a beat.

"Ok, we're going to get our seats." Tao motions Yixing to follow him. He lets go of my hand and smiles at me before he leaves. I wave to him.

Once they leave, Julie starts squealing and jumping.

"Omo! How romantic is he, just how! He is so kind and so...nice!" Julie balls up her fists and brings them to her chest. "They are such gentlemen. We are so lucky."

"He tightened his grip on my hand and smiled at me. My heart is...oh my gosh." I pat my heart a couple times to calm it down. "He is such a...such a...gentlemen!"

"I am so glad you are a cook!" Julie gives me a big hug.

"Um, thank you." I pat her back.

We enter the restaurant and join Tao and Yixing.

As we appear next to Tao and Yixing, the lady behind the counter gasps.

"A-Are you Gracie Becker?!" Her eyes widen.

"Uh, yes, that's me." I slowly nod.

"Oh my! You really are! You're an inspiration to all my cooks. They really look up to you!" The lady shakes my hand.

"Thank you very much. I-I'm glad to hear that." I bow to her.

"Please, please, follow me to your seats." She guides us to our seats.

I look around the well-lit restaurant. There's not much people in here, but it's quite loud.

As we sit down, Tao and Yixing across from us, the lady hands us the menus.

"Please take your time. If you need anything, just call one of us. Thank you so much. Please enjoy your night."

We all nod and say our thanks.

Once the lady gives us our privacy, Tao and Yixing look at me with confused faces.

"You're famous?" Tao speaks up first.

I shake my head. "No, no! Well, I don't know. This is the first time, really. I am shocked too!"

"Wow, I can't wait to try your food." Yixing smiles and starts to look through the menu.

I smile shyly and do the same.

"What are you going to get?" Julie whispers to me.

I shrug. "They all look so delicious. I just want to get something simple, though."

"They do, but I want to get this grilled chicken sandwich. Look, doesn't it look amazing?" Julie points to it. "The toasted bread makes it look good."

"Wow, it does, but look at the price. We can't spend so much. Remember, America?" I point out. "We have to save up, don't forget about it so soon."

Julie sighs. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Well, then, what can we get?"

I shrug. I look more closely at the menu. "Oh, Look! Chicken strips and a side of our choice. Fries or onion rings. The price is not that much too, let's both get this." I show a picture of it to Julie.

Julie nods her head. "Yeah."

"Let's both order this. One of us can get a side order and we'll share that one." I suggest.

"Yeah, let's get the onion rings. For the sauce, we can get barbeque sauce."

"Sounds great!" We high five each other. We quietly laugh.

"Ok, we're ready." Julie says to Tao and Yixing.

Lay's POV

"Did you hear that?" Tao pats my shoulder.

I look up and look around. "What? No."

"They're saving up to go to America." Tao points to Gracie and Julie.

I smack Tao's arm. "Tao, stop ease dropping."

"No, no, I heard it on accident." Tao whisper yells. People from other tables gives us looks.

"Ok, ok, fine."

"No, but Yixing, we should save up too. Maybe, we could all go together."

I choke on my spit. "What crazy thing are you saying right now?"

"Come on, Yixing! We've talked about this before. Why can't we do it? Imagine all the food and clothing they have in America. Remember, Disney Land? Wasn't that a fun trip? Plus, it would be so much more fun with other friends." Tao pleads.

I sigh and look at him. "Is was fun. Fine, but this was your idea! Don't go spending money on clothes or toys, ok?"

"I promise. Yes!" Tao pumps his fist.

"Ok, we're ready." Julie looks up at us.

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