Part 15

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Julie's POV

"Ok, let's sneak around the house, then we'll see them." Tao takes my hand and pulls me closer to him.

"Oh, ok." I say. My cheeks are burning up and his touch!

We run together around the houses and end up in a dark park.

"Oh, it's dark." I say. I was afraid of the dark, wait no, I was afraid of what's in the dark.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Tao laughs.

I laugh at him too. "Ok, I trust you."

Tao takes out his phone and shines a flashlight. "There we go, now let's find them."

Oh, Tao and I are going to eavesdrop on Lay and Gracie. Turns out, we both like to spy on people. Judge us?

"I just wanted to know how you felt right now. You feel like this, now I know, you do like me. You should know that I like you too because of my actions." Lay says to Gracie.

I squeal and Tao covers my mouth and tells me to stay quiet. Oh my goodness, how much feels she has right now must be overwhelming.

They go in for a hug and their height difference makes my heart melt.

"It feels like I'm watching a drama from behind the scenes." I whisper to Tao.

He looks at me and smiles, then turns back.

I look back and see that their faces are only inches apart. If they kiss, I will explode!

"Omo." I bite my fist. "Oh, look how cute they look, I need a picture."

I take out my phone and turn on the camera. "This is so romantic!"

I take many photos while Tao watches me.

"You look very professional. It's very cute." Tao tells me.

I blush at his words. "Thank you. I tend to take tons of photos at my job."

As I take photos, Tao keeps shaking his hand like he's eager to do something, but he's holding himself back.

"Hey, are you ok? Your hand..."

"KISS ALREADY OMG!" Tao screams at them.

I smack his shoulder. Lay and Gracie look our way, Tao grabs me and pulls me down to hide behind a bush.

Lay's POV

"KISS ALREADY OMG!" Someone screams from behind us.

"That sounded like Tao." Gracie whispers to me. She looks down at my lips then back at my eyes.

"It does, doesn't it?" I respond to her.

Neither of us move from our current position.

I gulp down my nervousness and place my hands on her waist.

She smiles in response and puts her arms around my shoulders.

I suck in my breath and lick my lips. I mentally slap myself, that probably looked weird.

To my surprise, Gracie does the same. I guess her lips were dry too.

I lean in slowly, not wanting our first kiss to seem forced.

I hear distant squealing, but I continue anyways.

I tilt my head and my nose brushes against her nose. I stop right there, I'm pretty sure I froze because I can't move at all.

I hear groans from Tao and Julie, I'm guessing, I know. I also hear slight giggling from Gracie.

"You're such a tease..." I hear her whisper to me. Her lips brush against mine softly as she spoke.

I tighten my grip on her waist causing her to quietly gasp.

"It's not that..." I copy her. My lips brush against hers.

"Then what's taking you so long?"


"Do you want me to be the first one?"

"Oh no. Do you not like this style of kissing?"

"With you, I could do this all day." She says shyly.

I smile. "Ok, then, but we can't stay here long. You'll get cold. I don't your beautiful body to become sick."

I lean in fast before Gracie could say anything else.

People could say "I felt sparks between us" or "there was a instant connection" or "it was the best kiss I have ever had. For me, it's all of that. It was so sweet and soft, but really deep and passionate.

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