Part 16

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Gracie's POV

Lay was beyond furious. I could see it in his eyes, his mouth....his ears.

Don't touch his ears, though....or his neck.

"How DARE you treat MY WIFE with such disrespect?! What has she done? Tell me, tell me, my fans!" Lay speaks into the mic fiercely.

"It wasn't us! It wasn't us!" Fans chant.

"Got them!" Julie screams and runs up to the stage with the two girls in her hands.

Don't mess with Julie when it comes to love.

"Zhang Yixing, please stay ca-" I get picked up by someone.

It was Tao.

"Tao! What are you doing?" I struggle in his arms, but he was obviously too strong.

"I'm taking you back to get cleaned up. You're freezing." He replies while picking me up bridal style. "And wet. Girl, your clothes are gonna get ruined."

"I'm fine! I'm fine!" I protest, but it's no use.

He sets me down on a couch in Lay's dressing room. I watch Lay on the small moniter intently.

"Why?" Lay lets his arms flop by his side. He was holding his anger in.

Julie was on stage with the two girls. She was holding their arms like a cop.

Lay shrugs and looks to the girls. "This is my wife. She is my happiness. Why would you treat her like that?"

The girls look at each other frowning.

The blonde one speaks up. "She doesn't deserve yo-"

"And how do you know that? HOW do you know that she isn't worth me? Give me one good reason why you should be arrested and PUT IN JAIL in this very spot!" Lay snaps.

The girls looked like they were about to break down any moment now.

"I-I don't know." The brown haired girl stutters.

"We just love you so much." The two girls cry.

"Then why would you do this to me?" Lay goes in close.

It was getting very emotional out there. I felt the need to eat popcorn, but I don't think that's appropriate.

"Take them away. I don't want to...I don't want to look at them." Lay waves them off.

Three security guards surround them and take them away.

The girls were pouring out tears like a dam broke. Water is everywhere.

Julie whispers something to Lay and runs back. She enters the dressing room.

"Oh my goodness gracious, are you alright, dear Gracie!?" Julie screams and hugs me.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I'm ok. Thank you for finding those girls." I hug her back.

"I'm not going to continue this. That fan meeting is canceled." Lay's voice interrupts our conversation.

"What? No, he can't do that. We got the girls, he can't punish the entire crowd." I stand up, but Julie pulls me back down.

"Understand him. He's probably under a lot of...stress about this. He probably wants to see if you're ok." Tao says.

I hesitate. "It was just water balloons. If anything, it was quite interesting."

Julie shakes her head. "The girl threw a rock at you."

"I barely felt it."

"Gracie." Both Tao and Julie say my name.

I sigh. "Ok."

I watch closely at the monitor screen. The fans were all disappointed. They kept on muttering sadly and angrily to each other.

The camera pans over to Lay and he was ruffling his hair over and over again.

"I-I apologize profusely. I just need some time to think this through. I just can't believe my own fans....never mind. You all may go home now. News will be posted later if I have a reschedule. Thank you for coming. Good bye." Lay waves and rushed backstage.

The fans cheer one last time before the cameras turn off.

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