Part 30

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Gracie's POV

Tao and Julie were staring at us with shocked, yet happy expressions on their faces.

"Julie! I can-"

"No need." She waves me off.

I gulp. Is she mad?

Lay rolls off me and looks at me. "I'm sorry, I-"

"No, no, Lay, it's fine." I shake my head at head.

Tao and Julie catch up to us. I get up and walk to Julie.

"Julie, I-"

"I am so proud if you. You don't know how proud I am right now!" Julie jumps up and hugs me tightly.

I stand in shock. "What?"

"I told you staying with Yixing last night will help strengthen your relationship." She congratulates herself.

"Wait, how come you didn't stay the night with me?" Tao turns to Julie and pouts.

Julie looks at him and kisses his cheek. "Soon, baby."

He smiles and looks back to Lay.

"If you're so proud, why did you interrupt us?" I ask, scrunching up my face.

"Please, you know I can't control myself. With the breeze, the scenery, you two, the scene was just magical. I took pictures, this will be great on Insta-"

"Haha, Julie, ok, I understand." I pat her shoulder.

"Nice, man." Tao gives Lay a high five.

"What are you doing here anyways?" I ask.

"We going on a small, refreshing date." Julie smiles and points to the pond.

"Wait, a-are you going to swim in there?" I ask.

Tao shakes his head and laughs. "No, no, it's too shallow for swimming. We were just going to dip out feet in."

"Hm, mind if we join?" I turn to Lay and he nods.

"Of course not. Race you!" Julie shouts and starts sprinting towards the pond. I run after her.

"Careful, it's not sand, it's rocks." Lay shouts. "C-Careful!"

I slow down as I get closer. I quickly take off my shoes and slowly dip my feet in.

Julie, on the other hand, jumps straight in with her shoes on and splashes me with the cold water.

"Ah! Julie, it's cold!" I wiggle around.

"Oh sorry, I got excited." Julie laughs and waddles to me.

I point to her feet. "Y-You're shoes. They're all ruined now!"

She laughs and shakes her head. "Don't worry. This is old."

I scoff. "Ok, good luck walking."

Lay and Tao meet up with us.

"You look nice." Lay kisses my cheek as he joins me on the patch of sand next to the water.

"Awh, thank you. You look nice too." I softly knock my forehead on his.

"Love birds, so cute." Julie sighs happily.

I press my lips together and turn away. "Aish."

I stand up and hold out my hand for Lay. "Let's go explore."

He nods. "Yeah."

We walk together around the pond, dodging fishes and making lame jokes about the rocks and the plants.

"Oh, ow." I step onto a rock making me wail my arms around.

"Oh, whoa whoa. Are you ok?" Lay tightens his grip on my hand.

"I-I stepped on a rock, sss." I bring up my foot to check it.

"I can help." Lay picks me up bridal style and gives me a sincere smile.

I blush. "Lay, you..."

"I like it this way. Don't you think?" He starts walking towards Julie and Tao.

"Yes, I do. But aren't you're feet going to get sore?" I look down at his feet.

"Oh no, it's fine, I can handle this." He grits his teeth as he takes a step.

"Gracie, hold still!" Julie holds up a hand to stop us.

"Why?" I ask.

"I want to take a picture." She pulls out her phone.

"Seriously? You've been taking pictures of us ever since we've been together." I say.

"Well, yeah. Just let me take one please. You two look so nice with this lighting." She says while moving the camera around.

"Do you plan on making it into something?" I ask.


"Could you send me those photos?" Lay laughs.

"Of course. Ok, let's turn this around." Tao leans over Julie's shoulder and whispers something in her ear.

My Neighbor? || LAYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ