Part 5

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Lay's POV

"Ready, Lay?" Gracie softly brushes my bangs away from my forehead.

I had my goggles, my snorkles, and flippers. I was nervously shaking my legs.

"I should wear a life jacket." I blurt out, feeling cautious. You know what, I'm way too deep into this marriage to be embarrassed.

Gracie lets out a really adorable giggle and hands me a life jacket.

I grab it and put it on quickly. "Thank you."

"You ready to go in the water now. If you wait to long the crabs will come out soon." She says, making jump.

"Aiya, Gracie, don't say that. That's not helping." I whine and stomp my feet.

"I'm trying to help, ok? What's keeping you back?"

"Nothing, nothing. I can do this. Something I can brag about to Tao and my parents, hehe." I shake my hands and stretch out my neck.

"Well, let's go then."

"Why can't you come with me?" I ask for the 500th time.

"I am, just not all the way. I'll just stay in the shallow area and watch you." She kisses my cheek.

"Do you know what will help encourage me?" I make my eyes wide to be cute.

She tilts her head and smiles. "Yes?"

"If you take off your tank top." I smirk.

"YAH!" Her smile instantly disappears and she steps back while covering herself.

"Hey, I saw you put your swimsuit on this morning."

"WHAT?" She gasps and steps back again.

I scoff. "We're married, why are you so surprised?"

Her face turn a bright red and lowers her hands.

"So...?" I pinch her shirt playfully.

She grabs my hand roughly and drags me to the water. "Let's just go, you big baby." I hear her mumble.

"I'm your big baby." I say.

Even though I can't see her face, I know she was blushing so hard. I can't help it, she's so cute when she gets shy like that.

We both stop when the water was at our thighs. Well, her thighs, just above my knees.

"Go and swim." She says without looking at me. "Go be a man."

I laugh. "You're not coming with me?"

"No." She mumbles with attitude. "I'm staying here and watching you."

I shrug. "What if I take you with me?"

"You'll drown me." She answers quickly.

I furrow my brow at her, but she still doesn't look at me.

"Just take off your shirt and come swimming with me. Come on, princess, it's our last full day here, let's make the most of it!" I grab her waist. "Swimming is much more easier and smoother without a shirt."

She scrunched up her nose.

Without another thought, I ripped the shirt off of her like A MAN and picked her up.

She shrieked from my TOTALLY NOT ME move and waved her arms around. She glared at me with such fierce eyes that could melt an ice sculpture.

I just smiled at her like a little boy and dipped both of us in the water. She squealed loudly and clung to my neck really tightly.

"You!" Gracie yells and rips my goggle and snorkle off of my face. "I'm taking these!"

"Then I won't give back your shirt." I say.

She swims away from me with my snorkle and goggles. Seconds later, she was underwater, having the time of her life looking at the bottom.

I watched her with loving eyes. I smiled brightly while watching her have fun. It was truly one of those moments where you wanna take time and listen to your heart.

I think she's mad at me though...

Oh my gosh, I just ripped off her shirt like A PRO. I'm so proud of myself, like ZAYUM, didn't think ZHANG YIXING would do something like that right? AHAHAHA no, but please, I'm so capable of many things, I can't wait to show Gracie that I'm not just an angel.

Gracie's white shirt catches my attention. I grab it and hide it behind my back.

"GRACIE!" I call out to her.

She looks up. "What?"

"I have your shirt." I say and hold it up.

"Can I have it back?" She asks.

"Still? It's ripped." I wave it around.

I can hear her gasp.

"ZHANG YIXING! THAT WAS A GOOD SHIRT! YOU HAVE TO FIX IT!" She yells and splashes around her.

I shrug and raise my hands. "I don't know how to."

She makes an angry sound that sounded like a teapot. Gracie starts swimming towards me.

I turn around and run towards the shore. And running in water with flailing hands is more embarrassing than getting yelled at by your girl in public.

I finally reach land and I run into the house.

"YIXING-AH!" I hear an angry calling.

I giggle happily while hiding behind the curtains in our bedroom. BEFORE YOU START JUDGING, let me tell you that the curtains here are quick thick and long so it was a good hiding spot.

Moments after, Gracie storms in the room, soaking wet. I peek at her through the curtains and my eyes almost fall out.

Please forgive me anyone, but she was so breathtaking right now. I never talk about or really think about how fit and beautiful Gracie's whole figure was.

I have to stop myself from drooling and stay quiet and unsee.

"Yixing, I know you're in this room. There's not other place to hide. So...just come out....or I'll find you." She says calmly.

I hold in my laugh.

Suddenly, I'm being pulled out of the curtains and down onto the bed. GRACIE grabs my shoulders and grips them tight.

"Buy me a new shirt." Gracie growls.

I nod, acting scared for her. "I will, I will. Don't hurt me."

"Psh, you know I can't hurt you. Even if I try."

I lean in and kiss her deeply. "I know."

She pulls away and points outside. "Do you still want to go snorkeling?"

I shake my head and peck her nose. "No, I don't need to. The water's clear enough anyways."

There was a pause, then a smack on my chest.

"What the heck, Lay? Why didn't you tell me that before?" She complains cutely.

"Because...I like messing with you."

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