Part 15

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Oohhh, Yixing be mad now
*hint hint*

Gracie's POV

Yixing was performing a dance that even I can't believe. My sweet angel is doing the worm on stage. He has guts really. The fans love it though.

Next he was sitting down at a piano and singing into a mic. It was a love song. How sweet. I notice him winking at me while he was singing.

I look at the crowd and I was taken back. The fans were slowing swaying their flashlights and phones to the music.

It was probably 8pm now and it's completely dark. I was thankful for the spot lights, but I'm worried of the fans, especially the younger ones.

I wanted to hand out blankets to the babies. The mothers aren't doing anything, why did they bring their kids? It's getting colder and colder out.

I spot Tao and Julie and they were rocking out to the slow song. Tao looked like a kid at Disneyland and Julie was laughing at him.

I hope they get married soon.

I ask the staff to pass out blankets for the crowd and they nodded. I couldn't go out there myself. That would be a bad idea...

I stay back and mess around with my phone.

Yixing was now talking to his fans, making them laugh and squeal when he was acting cute. He's so fun to watch.

"As you all probably know now, I am a married man." Yixing holds up his hand to show off the ring.

I cover my mouth. The fans go crazy. I can't tell if they were happy or angry.

"I just had my honeymoon with my princess not too long ago. It was an amazing time, I felt really accomplished and blessed. I will still remember my fans no matter what, so I brought her along with me on this tour." Yixing looks back and holds out his arm towards me. "I want you all to see her and meet her formally."

I hold my breath. "Ar-Are you sure?"

He nods and walks to me. "Don't worry, princess. Come on, don't be shy."

I nod slowly. "Ok."

Don't back down, don't look weak, don't look afraid, be happy and be yourself.

Once I got on stage the fans calmed down.

One of the staff hand their microphones to me and I thank them.

"This is my wife. I'll let her introduce herself to you all." Yixing kisses my cheek and many fans scream.

There were a lot of loud cheering and cameras clicking that I couldn't focus.

"Uh- Hello! My name is Gracie." I smile and wave.

The fans say hello back.

"Nice to meet you all. I'm very glad New York is treating Zhang Yixing well." I was too shy to refer to him as my husband. Such a chicken!

"Thank you. Let's get our fan service act-acti-ac-" He struggles on a word.

"Activated." I whisper to him and he laughs, so does the fans.

"Yixing-ah! Come here!" Fans scream and hold out posters and their phones.

Yixing disappears from my side and goes to the far left to the fans. I stand alone in the middle, awkwardly.

"GRACIE! Come here too!" Fans scream out.

I smile and walk to them. "Hello there."

"Hi, you're very pretty. I'm glad Yixing married a girl that is just as beautiful as him." The fan compliments.

"Awh, you are the sweetest thing. You're very beautiful too." I shake her hand.

"Thanks, but...a lot of people tell me to lose weight and eat less." Her eyes shrink and she looks down.

I kneel down in front of her and tilt her head up. "I don't understand, darling. You are so beautiful already. Maybe they're just jealous."

She smiles shyly. "Really?"

"Yes, really! You are beautiful! I'm going to tell Yixing to go beat them up!" I put my hands on my hips and pout. "Eat like a princess because you are."

"Thank you!" She shakes my hand continuously.

We take a picture and I stand back up.

As I was walking back to the center stage, something hit my back and I flinch in pain.

Did someone just throw a rock at me?

I turn around while feeling my back to decrease the pain. I had no idea what to do.

There was laughing and pointing going on. It wasn't the girl I just talked to, it was those two girls again...and they had friends.

They start throwing small water balloons at me and I shriek.

I was drenched and bruised because of the hard hits. Not as badly, though.

Julie screeches and she pushes her way through the crowd to find the girls.

Good luck to those girls. Julie will slap a B if she has to.

I look to Yixing and he was shocked, no, he was beyond shocked. Then his expression darkened and he was burning up in fury.

I started to panic badly. "Yixing, please no-"

"What is this!?"

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