Part 27

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Gracie's POV

"You still want to go for a walk?" Lay asks me while kissing my forehead continuously.

I pull away gently and place my hand on his chest. "It's 2 in the morning."

Lay shrugs and laughs. "So? Perfect timing for star watching."

I pout. "But I'm tired. We need lots of energy for tomorrow."

Lay sighs and nods. "Fine. Go get changed and meet me in my room."

I blush at the thought, but I nod it off and walk to my room. I decide to take a shower, so I walk into the bathroom and examine the small room.

"Wow, the shower..." I gap at the sparkling clean shower.

I finish showering and changing and I walk into Lay's room. I open the door quietly when I see that the lights are turned off. I also hear soft and quiet snoring.

With lights coming from the hallway, I can see that Lay was passed out on the bed with his mouth open. I laugh at his cuteness.

"I guess I wasn't the only one that was tired." I smile as I cover him with his blankets. I lean down and kiss his head. "Good night...angel."

I turn my heel around and make my way out of the room.

"Wait, G-Gracie..." Lay's sleepy voice calls to me.

"Hmm?" I turn to him.

"Come here, where are you going?" He props himself up on his side and squints his eyes.

I clear my throat. "I-I'm going to my room."

Lay shakes his head and pats the empty space next to him.

I hesitate. He can't be serious, I think.

"Are you ok? You look scared..." Lay tilts his head.

I nod. "Yes, I mean no, w-wait. I'm fine, I'll be back. Just need to d-do something."

He nods and I quickly run back to my room and dial Julie's phone.

"Julie, Julie." I whisper into the phone.

"What?" She says sounding beat.

"Are you sleeping?" I ask looking over my shoulder.

"No, I'm scuba-diving. IT'S 2AM, GRACIE!"

"Shhhh, ok, ok, I'm sorry. I need help. I'm in a bad bad bad situation." I breath out.

Julie scoffs. "What is it?"

"Lay, he wants me to sleep in the SAME bed with him." I whisper.

"Then do it."

"Are you insane? I-I can't just, won't that be-"

"Gracie, you're over-thinking this. I'm sure Yixing is just as innocent as you, he won't try anything." She calms me down.

I sigh. "Fine, but you better pick up when I call you. If not, I won't make you your favorite pancakes ever again."

"Mhm, ok, I'm going to sleep. Good night."

"Good night." I press my lips together and hang up.

"G-Gracie? Are you ok?" Lay whisper yells.

"Yes, I'm coming." I close my door on my way out. I tiptoe to Lay's room and sit down on the edge of his bed. I calm my heart and say reassuring things in my head.

"Hey, you look pale." Lay pulls me down and stares at me.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, just tired."

He nods. "Ok, good night, bunny."

I quietly laugh. "Bunny?"

Lay pulls me closer to him. My back was to him, so I could feel his hot breath on my neck. My arms start to tingle.

"I don't know. Gracie seems too plain."

I nod. "Angel. It fits you, right?"

"I guess so." He pecks my neck slowly leaving little kisses.

I scrunch up my face and concentrate on my breathing.

"I hope this isn't too soon...I feel like you're not-"

"No, Yixing, it's fine. I'm just getting used to it. I've never d-done this with anyone before..."

"Mm." He nods. "I understand."

I turn myself around to face him. I smile big and kiss his nose.

"What was that for?" He smiles back just as big.

"For being understanding. I really like that about you." I whisper. On the inside, I'm secretly thanking the lord that I brushed my teeth and used the minty mouthwash tonight.

"I'm glad you like it." He kisses my lips.

My eyelids fail to stay open. Lay leans out and chuckles.

"Sleep well, Gracie."

"Sleep well....hmm, Yixing." I make out before falling asleep.

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